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Kourtney Freckleton XOP ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Kourtney Freckleton

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199365177168/ ( does not let me show id it shows my profile but my id shows up at Steam_0_0)

Your Discord ID#: tyrell_algwary

Reason for ban: Global Rule #1

Length of ban: permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): It's not true

Why should you be unbanned? Situation is I called this guy to buy coke, I pay him his guy pulls up out of nowhere and i reverse once he pulls up, then they run away with the money. Then I take off my clothes run around the area for a bit and find them both next to some apartments. I shoot one of them then the other guy a bit before I back up and he backs up while shooting me. The admin was saying I was hacking because I shot this guy through a bush, you can see in the video clearly hes shooting from that direction. When I was shooting towards the bush I shot to both sides of the tree, cause if im shooting in one direction and hes hiding in the bush and hes not there im going to try shooting the other side aswell incase i didnt get him. Didnt see him die so I change clothes and wait around the area. Then I see a guy looks exactly like him come up the street same exact build and face, with the same cigarette so I chase him. Then he turns around and runs the opposite direction so I shoot him down the street

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://youtu.be/lqGdUw9o-f8

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can you explain to me what this is

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Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://youtu.be/lqGdUw9o-f8




18 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said:


can you explain to me what this is

Go to console and highlight a text, then left click the highlighted text from console and drag onto your screen. boom you have a crosshair built into the game.

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Known this guy for about a month, good player, wouldn't post a video if he wasn't hacking. i know theres video proof cheats or sum like that where it doesnt show in videos, but this guy isnt cheating vro. theres multiple crosshairs you can have through workshop and shit, this isnt exploits vro :broken

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1 minute ago, arth said:

Known this guy for about a month, good player, wouldn't post a video if he wasn't hacking. i know theres video proof cheats or sum like that where it doesnt show in videos, but this guy isnt cheating vro. theres multiple crosshairs you can have through workshop and shit, this isnt exploits vro :broken

Yeah that's right I just posted a video for the admins to see of me blatantly hacking. Makes sense maybe in Adams head

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so the guy runs into a bush, and you see that, sure. but how did you know he was going left? you start to trace him, and then stop yourself

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3 minutes ago, adam said:

so the guy runs into a bush, and you see that, sure. but how did you know he was going left? you start to trace him, and then stop yourself

Yeah, he goes one way and im shooting at him, I dont think its very logical to stay in the same direction youre being shot at right? So I shoot at the other direction where i can not see him

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4 hours ago, Jmoorsey said:


can you explain to me what this is

I’m pretty sure that’s a crosshair ngl this isn’t the first guy I’ve seen with it 

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whoever banned this nigga needs to pick up more hours at there k-mart job(if they even have one) 

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Dude gets fail mugged, decides to get revenge the complete right way, finds the guy and kills him, and is immediately banned for cheating. He posts a clip of the situation and is banned for a crosshair that I have used since damn near day 1. If you’re gonna ban people for that ban me too.

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Believe it or not, he wasn't banned for his crosshair 😱

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I think Dool misunderstood his ban reason but it was something that a moderator found suspicious, and if I saw somebody go into a bush I would do the exact same thing. If I saw what direction they went in the bush I would mag dump that side of the bush. If I didn't see what direction they went in, I would mag dump either side of the bush. If anybody should be banned, it would be the muggers. You permanently banned a dedicated player off of a simple 50/50 guess.


Edited by arth
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2 hours ago, arth said:

I think Dool misunderstood his ban reason but it was something that a moderator found suspicious, and if I saw somebody go into a bush I would do the exact same thing. If I saw what direction they went in the bush I would mag dump that side of the bush. If I didn't see what direction they went in, I would mag dump either side of the bush. If anybody should be banned, it would be the muggers. You permanently banned a dedicated player off of a simple 50/50 guess.


+1 dumb ban

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+1 free bro stupidest ban of all time smh lmao


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3 hours ago, Bullets said:

Believe it or not, he wasn't banned for his crosshair 😱

then why would the admin take a picture of it

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4 minutes ago, handsome said:

then why would the admin take a picture of it

Cause he didnt take time to read the post at all and some people dont have logic. Sure I will post a  video with my hacks showing. Smart move

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