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Top Shotta Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name:

Ronny / Top Shotta

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:7817186

Your Discord ID#: Dub07

Reason for ban: I'm not sure, it's from over 2 years ago.

Length of ban: Perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned? Hey, I'm looking to come back and start off clean, it’s been a while and my friends have been playing and want me to join along them; on my police character and continue my story. I'm sorry for the trouble that I've caused in the past, I was young and not up to the best. Can I please get an unban to see and enjoy the server. Thank you!

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Your steam id is STEAM_0:0:485960555

You have 16 total bans, your last ban was re-extended to Perm after you were unbanned from the initial Perm. Appeal -> https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=4741

You ended up getting rebanned a week later

51 days of total playtime. 15 prior bans (excluding this current one) equating to 151.5 days time spent banned. Meaning you've been banned for 297% of your playtime.

This current ban was issued on 06/11/2022 meaning you've been banned for 854 days.

Why should you be afforded another chance ontop of all the other ones?

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I love the server so much I was able to put 51 days into it, a super fun journey that I'd like to continue. I disrespected the server and showed complete disregard towards the staff, who were there to help me. I believe it's been a long enough time, and I've developed a lot as a man. My goal is to come back and have fun with my friends, I will not cause problems with staff or break rules to ruin other player's experiences. I know my record is definitely up there, but I'm sorry and I'd like to have another chance. Thank you again.

Edited by shotta
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