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Leave the package system to continue for after the racket event


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At first, I thought this was going to be the shittiest racket event of all time with it just being a rdm fest with no roleplay. I was completely wrong, compared to the weed event, this event has brought about more rp situations in two hours than over the course of the entire weed event. I think we should keep the current system in place for even after the competition ends as just a risky way of making income. While some could argue this system is just dark rp simulator having a guy be kos, but the roleplay scenarios that have gone about between allies, enemies, and random ass people has shown it deserves to stay. 

-- Mards

(EDIT: obviously I would adjust the spawn times)

Edited by Davis
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It's not something I would just leave on 24/7 it has caused some messy situations, but as for future events, or conflicts. Easily can be re purposed and used. Alongside other coming systems for more fun stuff.

We've learned a lot so far.

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