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A more balanced drug competition.

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Hello, hope y'all are having a good day. This maybe a little late but here it goes eitherway.


I got a small suggestion for the event that is happening right now, more of a way to keep it balanced between the top drug categories and the bottom drug categories.


So there are L, Q, M, H, W, and C in that order from lowest to highest. I suggest if thr suggestion is made it in a way where every 3 categories go against each other. Like an offense and defense type event. 


For example, everyone in the M category gets a separate package from everyone else and they get like a pointer to where it spawned or maybe a designated area in the map where it usually spawns for each category. So everyone in the M category fights for that package and when it is finally picked up by someone from the M category. Everyone in the category under M gets a notification, or something, that a package was picked up and they can attack the carrier, "attack" here indicates that the drug category above them has picked up a package. Another notification goes to the drug category above the M category that a package has been picked up and they can defend themselves against the carriers. Other factions in the M category can still attack the carrier as well and it is named as "attack" since it won't risk them of going down a category.


 So for example, M takes a package, Q gets to attack M and take their package to earn a point, this both helps them rise to a higher drug category and drag down one of the factions in the higher drug category. In the same time, when M takes a package, H gets to defend themselves again M and take the package from them to earn themselves a point. This way it becomes more of an offense and defense event where it balances out the fights that happen between the factions. This makes it more competitive too, because if a Q category takes a package from a W category then the W category loses nothing but the point they were gonna get from the package. If the event goes how I describe here then if W picks up a package and H takes it from, then W, not only loses the point to advance but also risks getting dragged down by the lesser category. A singular category can have both an attack and a defense in the same time too, like the Q category has picked up a package so M has to defend themselves against Q while H picks up a package making M also able to defend themselves against H.


So how do the factions outside the 3 categories in conflict not attack the ones in conflict? Or in simple wording, how can the highest categories not attack the lowest categories? If M picks up a package, Q and H can see the carrier's description that he is carrying a suspicious package but the categories above H and under Q cannot see that description. 

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js say you are buns brochacho 🙏

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4 minutes ago, Bullets said:

js say you are buns brochacho 🙏



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