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Lions pk Appeal


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Name of Character: Jarquavious Reginald III


Your Discord ID#:Simplevibes47

Date of PK: 03/06/2025

Reason for PK: Breaking Fear rp (But i disagree) FearRP Rule 12 Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon on them the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon.

Why should you be un PK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: This makes no sense i never shot to a officer and could barely hear him over the 12 people talking in conjunction. I was pked for not following a order that i could not hear at all . as shown in the video i was shooting the active shooter trying to protect my safety .(in the video i am the one with a jew beret and a jew security outfit and black beard i get shot in the back of the head by 3 cops as shown)


If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jPu4ZYalKpOeon_uL?invite=cr-MSw3NWgsMTk3MTkzNTEwLA

Edited by simplevibes47
Adding good info
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Was at the scene when this happened he was killed in crossfire from cops in no world is that a pk 

Edited by MrlogicNova
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I was the cop, he was not killed in the crossfire. I was trying to arrest you for a shooting before, you didn't have a gun out I told you to stay back and to not pull a gun and start shooting while I had you under gunpoint you then after many warnings, pulled and shot a guy that was shooting someone else while trying to run away from me I then shot you.

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in all honesty i was getting shot by the guy shooting at me thats why i shot back at him i was dying while getting yelled at by 14 people i had no idea that you still wanted to talk as there where about 10 people with guns out at that moment so when you shot me i was shot in the back of the head as shown in the video i had no idea i was still getting spoken by you as i was trying to win a gun fight that someone started so in that case this was valid self defense . and i disagree that you guys think it wasent you guys want roleplay but when somone gets in the shootout you guys dont arrest you guys shoot but in no way of time was i shooting at a officer i was shooting protecting myself 



FearRP Rule 12 Breaking Fear RP while being detained by Police. If the police are detaining you for a crime and you break FEAR rp by pulling a weapon (ON THEM) the NYPD are still within their right to react in self defense. This can and will be considered initiating a violent confrontation with police EVEN if you never managed to fire the weapon.

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I do agree that the situation was chaotic and hard to hear, as well as the possibility the other individual fired first, but seeing as the officer's mic is not included in the clip (the clip used to pk you) there's no way to hear full context.


Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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