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Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Charles Suzette, Sergei Sergeyevich Bodrov; EngineerGaming

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:82360286

Your Discord ID#: engineergaming7009

Reason for ban: RDM POx7

Length of ban: 3 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned?: I'm on my cop character patrolling during this event rn thats got the PD on high alert, I'm called to the scene where a cop is trying to arrest someone, I get run over and the cop gets killed while I'm down. I get back up all of them have scattered except like one guy so I give up and I'm just resetting my attachments cause I lost everything getting run over. Some guys walk up to me while I'm putting my stuff on and after I got finished and reloaded I misclicked while I was looking at a guy who was asking me "Is it pink" and it oneshot him. I play on a laptop with a wireless mouse but its still got the trackpad and if my palm rests on the pad it can register as a click sometimes, I think thats what happened. I told them there it was a misclick and despite that like a minute later his friend RDMed me in my patrol car. Then I get brought to a sit by Falcon where I explain this and he says he thought thats what happened but is banning me anyway because of my POs. Anyone who knows me I got POs from doing dumb shit with friends or goofing around not shooting someone on a cop character. Falcon wouldn't listen to me and didn't really even believe in the ban himself telling me he "strongly suggests I appeal this", I think he just thought that because of my POs he had to ban me even thought the situation wasn't RDM. I'm not automatically guilty cause of a bunch of old ass POs, half of which were from just fucking around.

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Hi, I banned you.


I was sent this clip which looks almost really damn intentional, and tied with your several RDM notes in the past, it looked like a loophole to RDM, so I went ahead with the ban anyway.




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3 hours ago, Falcon said:

Hi, I banned you.


I was sent this clip which looks almost really damn intentional, and tied with your several RDM notes in the past, it looked like a loophole to RDM, so I went ahead with the ban anyway.




Its pretty simple, I looked at him cause he was talking to me so I moved to face him. I put my attachments on and then I reloaded, I moved to hit C to pull up the menu again and I think my palm touched my trackpad and registered as a clip which made me shoot. Its a total accident.

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You just straight up RDM'd this guy after he asked you "Is it pink?". Literally reloaded your gun then shot him once in the head.

3 days seems pretty lenient in my opinion.  

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by DopeAsRoe
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