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Pk Appeal

Matthew Montgomery

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Name of Character: Antonio Beneventi


Your Discord ID#:mrmjmj

Date of PK:1st march 2025

Reason for PK: Dons orders

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: The reason why i am appealing is, I want to know why i was pked in the first place as I dont recall any wrong doing on my behalf

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: N/A

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Hello, I'm the admin who oversaw the pk.

You were pkd for the reason "Causing issues with allies and disrespecting made members within the family. he was warned multiple times and now he has to go."

When joining a criminal faction, you are prompted with a pop up that explains you may be PK'd at the discretion of the Boss of the crime family. I hope this provided some insight on as to why your character was killed.

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Im the guy that wrote the orders, you were PKed from the family for constantly disrespecting friends in other families and our own. It was brought to my attention when multiple made members were complaining about you specifically your captain. He told me you were incompetent and just a troublemaker in general, we have strict rules that you accepted when entering the faction and you knew that.

You were given very clear warnings when an enforcer gave you a shakedown/beating and then in the same month I myself and another high command member also handed out the same punishment.
(This was your second character with us where your last character was whacked for the same thing)

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When joining a faction you have to make sure you understand their rules and actually follow them, if you don't do this they can PK you for it

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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