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Chaunty Stank PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Chaunty Stank

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80451534

Your Discord ID#: JitzwadGumlord

Date of PK: 3/2/25

Reason for PK: Defending Myself from Unlawful Arrest. I'll put the story here and provide more details as needed in the following section. I was walking down the road from Little Italy heading towards the Blue Lobster when I see Maggy Finch standing with her face in the wall, on the sidewalk in plain view, while there was a group of gentlemen about halfway down the road. I tell Maggy Finch that I see her and acknowledge her presence. I then continue to walk, now with the detective, down the road to the group of men. Upon arrival I tell them that the detective was just down the road watching them and I saw her. Without any warning the cuffs were out and I was being chased down the road. At first I thought it was a joke until the tazer was deployed. After the second tazer attempt I withdrew my legal firearm and began to defend myself from this obvious kidnapping. 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Quote from the "Police" subsection of the rules; "You must have a reason to arrest/kill someone; you may not kill/arrest for these following reasons: 

  • Non violent actions/Non serious crimes. It's a video game man

The reason I was given for the arrest during my PK sit was, I beleive, obstruction of justice. There was no crime that was expressed to me that had been committed, was about to be, or was under investigation. Like I previously stated the detective was in plain view of the public. By the time I was being shot at with a tazer I had come to the conclusion I was about to be kidnapped. I do understand this is considered a topic for the court system, but trial is not worth the wait for an unlawful arrest or when you're in fear for your life. 

Under the rules section of "Arrests" it says; "you may not be arrested for things that would be simple traffic tickets or warnings, jaywalking, littering and other small petty crimes are not detainable. Nor may you be arrested without reason." Providing emphasis on the latter half of that statement. No reason or inclination was expressed to me of any crime committed. Obstruction, if that's what was made up after the fact, is a 5 minute penalty crime (+original offenses which concludes that this is a secondary crime). Cuffs just came out. Just like the police, the average citizen cannot just have a 'hunch' that a crime is afoot and knowingly take steps to participate or avoid the occurance of said crime. The Penal Code lists Obstruction of Justice as "unlawfully hindering the discovery, apprehension, conviction, defense, or punishment of anyone who has committed a crime or of evidence." I do not feel this applied here. Especially because there was no violence other than myself being assaulted by an officer.

I will agree in the PK rules it says;

  • "This does not apply if the Officer initiates the gun fire or escalates the situation to violence. (Note: In the server the tazer is non violent as it cannot physically kill or damage the player.)"

Which I will say did not happen, only a tazer was deployed, but I am acknowledging the fact that I do understand these rules. I will not argue that the death, on paper, was invalid. I was attempting to fire on an officer, but according to the server rules there needs to be a valid reason for the arrest. Had this been any situation in which an arrest was justified, like those listed in the Penal Code, I would understand a bit more. Thus the situation would not have even happened. If the detective had been in better cover, in a vehicle, or not standing on a public sidewalk I would have had no reason to interact with her. Giving the benefit of the doubt, even still she could have explained that I was being arrested verbally or why. We ran all the way around the block, I told her to chill out multiple times. In that time not a single verbal command was issued to me. 


If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I was just on a stroll I was not expecting this to go down I didn't have anything rolling. Assuming the detective had some video that would be the only thing available. 


Thank you for your time and consideration.

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PKing admin,

You were PKd via this clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jNLCV7qbKXcc99PPK/p78XTyzp24zR?invite=cr-MSxHckIsMjIyMDYyOTE3LA

In the clip and how the situation was described in the sit, You were being arrested for obstructing justice and tried to evade arrest when you opened fire on Detective Maggy Finch. Obstruction of justice is not a petty crime and doesn't compare to jay walking or loitering etc. You escalated the situation by shooting at her and lost the gunfight which resulted in the PK. I don't really understand what you are trying to convey in this appeal but I assume you are claiming that she was being "corrupt" however corruption applies to breaking the penal code and not SOP violations (which may have occurred in this situation to my knowledge of PD). You did not have to escalate but you made that choice yourself. I hope this added clarity to the situation.

Edited by Kurt The Biggest Steppa
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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, Kurt The Biggest Steppa said:

PKing admin,

You were PKd via this clip: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jNLCV7qbKXcc99PPK/p78XTyzp24zR?invite=cr-MSxHckIsMjIyMDYyOTE3LA

In the clip and how the situation was described in the sit, You were being arrested for obstructing justice and tried to evade arrest when you opened fire on Detective Maggy Finch. Obstruction of justice is not a petty crime and doesn't compare to jay walking or loitering etc. You escalated the situation by shooting at her and lost the gunfight which resulted in the PK. I don't really understand what you are trying to convey in this appeal but I assume you are claiming that she was being "corrupt" however corruption applies to breaking the penal code and not SOP violations (which may have occurred in this situation to my knowledge of PD). You did not have to escalate but you made that choice yourself. I hope this added clarity to the situation.

Not trying to argue, not even sure if im allowed to reply, just providing further information. Yes I did escalate the situation. The reason I did so was perviously stated already, but to elaborate, the court system is a scam in my opinion. I take an appeal for just as long or slightly less than my determined sentence, and if I say no I'm locked into a court progression that could take months of sitting around and waiting. No bail, no bond. I would rather take the PK any day, but I'm making an effort to show that I don't feel the initial arrest was justified. Which is what led to the PK. Like I said at the time I had no idea I committed a crime I was just being chased. In the video you have been provided you are limited to only the inital action of the arrest void of the overlying reasoning behind it. I could clip anybody getting killed or arrested and tell the observer whatever I want. If that is considered corruption then I stand behind it. What I'm "trying to convey" is the fact that it is unjust for an officer to arrest you without any warning or reasoning. Baiting a reaction. As seen in the video not a word was said from the arresting party. At surface value the viewer has as much detail as an empty sheet of paper. No commands, just action. What seperates that from someone attacking a civilian with a pair of restraints on the sidewalk?  And would that same action from civilians result in a PK as well?

Edited by JitzwadGumlord
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I was stalking a group of people that were being suspicious. You walked up to them and let them all know that I was watching them, in the progress hindering my investigation so I tried detaining you for 6-4F Obstruction of Justice.

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No dog in the race but Maggy suspicion is not a crime so that law would not have applied

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Whether or not the arrest was invalid or not doesn't change that fact that you initiated a violent confrontation with the detective. Per the rule you quoted yourself, the officer did not start the violent confrontation, you did. And this can and likely will lead to a PK. Sure the arrest reason was weak, but it could have easily been handled and beaten ICly.

"Initiating a shootout or violent confrontation with Police can lead to a PK"

Edited by JJ_
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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by JJ_
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