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ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: Dong "佛系男"  Qian

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):76561199246997376

Your Discord ID#:Sushiyama

Reason for ban:item transfer

Length of ban:12hr

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):i do not know who i item transferred with but it was not intentional and i will give back whatever item/items it was so i apologize genuinely my mistake completely unintentional but i am more than willing to reverse it

Why should you be unbanned? id like to fix my mistake if possible
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Pretty simple, you assisted in an item transfer when the individual moved items/guns from one distinct Character to his other, using you as the middle man.




Generally the middle man receives a lesser punishment than the person actually benefitting from the transfer.

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oh shit on god damn ill take the ban then thats fair my fault

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I'll cut the ban time in half since it's your first offence.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 6 hours.

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