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PK appeal


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Name of Character: Jodie Cole

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99808640

Your Discord ID#:358972889783074817

Date of PK: 2/28/2025

Reason for PK: No clue

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: No idea I came back after quitting for like a year or more
I Just wanna know what I did thats all im very confused.

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Hi Juju, this is Mards from the gcf you were killed because you didn't pay kickup for over a year.

Best wishes

- Mards

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whats kickup?

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I'm the admin who approved your PK, your PK reason was for not paying kickups, and cutting contact with your faction.


As stated above, you didn't pay kickups for over a year, which goes against their family rules. You can be PKd for this, which they exercised their right to do so. As it was over a year ago, I'll post the prompt that was shown to you when you first joined the faction. image.png.c61b3e065cd950acb2adc62cf441bc0e.png

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If I remember correctly I was contacted in which I told the person I stopped playing and he asked if I wanted to leave and I said yes 


But its alright ill start over thanks for the replies I was just wondering why :3

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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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