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Zay santos fail mug pk

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Name of Character: Zay santos 



Your Discord ID#: riddyg59

Date of PK:02/25/25 

Reason for PK: fail mug 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: 

Mugging Callahan faction members since we have gone through the roe and stuff has escalated we mistakenly mugged infront of a npc witch turned into a staff sit as long with a punishment of a 3 day ban and a pk witch after discussing and a lot of disagreement it was brought down to a pk after requesting for a UA witch we could not get we were pked without the ban witch I believe is invalid as I do accept the responsibility of mugging in the wrong spot accidents happen were human we make mistakes. but a pk just don’t sit right with me as I’ve had the char for years now and that’s a shitty way to go down the drain. Would rather have it switched to the right 3 day ban than the pk. Jay Santos is a menace in the streets and a dog in the sheets he can’t go out like this 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:     punishers video but we were involved in the same incident  https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvnySDByUfhamuqJ?invite=cr-MSxTU0gsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvoybZNPjlo_BJMn?invite=cr-MSwzd2csMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvqwOIxIAghiCv8t?invite=cr-MSxla3EsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvrpjGMZIuaJIzjR?invite=cr-MSxZeGMsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvs33x7yS5rAXOx0?invite=cr-MSxsVTUsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvsGNnA4_RRJZJ-n?invite=cr-MSxlSEcsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvtkxecYNlkc5hTc?invite=cr-MSx1U0MsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvtX8FCzAdtxbAAs?invite=cr-MSw4MXQsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvuWs1XT28Blu-yl?invite=cr-MSx4cWksMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvvJh2etj3WHtz8W?invite=cr-MSxaQ2gsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvwtPf1z50vTde94?invite=cr-MSw1bzYsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvxpJpGOr8OV_QMN?invite=cr-MSxUOVMsMTU4NjUzNjY3LA  

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Hey I'm the admin that banned you guys.
The reason you and your friends were pkd is because you fail mugged the 2 guys. You guys mugged them Infront of an NPC which invalidates it. Although no items were taken, the intent was there. 


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Staff can administrate a PK as a punishment if the rulebreak meets the requirement, such as a mass mugging character, minge character, throwaway character, item transfer, dying during a failmug etc. 
It's generally left to the discretion of the handling administrator, however in this instance I agree with your assessment; so I will accept this appeal on the basis that you did not die while committing this mugging nor are you a mugging character or alt character. I will not be reversing the PK of any alt characters who were pk'ed alongside you. 

I will be applying a ban as part of the punishment for fail mug. I will amend the mugging rules to better reflect staff purview for punishment. 

Because of the incident we were able to identify the bug with the restraints turning into cuffs and will be fixing it soon.


Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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