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Punishers Shitty pk Appeal


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Name of Character: Michael F. Predmore III

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:156376986

Your Discord ID#: nightwolf4634

Date of PK: 2/24/2025

Reason for PK: Failed Mugging

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Failed mugging does not state anything about a pk only a ban. no deaths occurred no lost in items. Doing this just to prove my point show me exactly what i know is going to happen 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvnySDByUfhamuqJ?invite=cr-MSxTU0gsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvoybZNPjlo_BJMn?invite=cr-MSwzd2csMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvqwOIxIAghiCv8t?invite=cr-MSxla3EsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvrpjGMZIuaJIzjR?invite=cr-MSxZeGMsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvs33x7yS5rAXOx0?invite=cr-MSxsVTUsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvsGNnA4_RRJZJ-n?invite=cr-MSxlSEcsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvtkxecYNlkc5hTc?invite=cr-MSx1U0MsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvtX8FCzAdtxbAAs?invite=cr-MSw4MXQsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvuWs1XT28Blu-yl?invite=cr-MSx4cWksMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvvJh2etj3WHtz8W?invite=cr-MSxaQ2gsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvwtPf1z50vTde94?invite=cr-MSw1bzYsMTU4NjUzNjY3LAhttps://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jLvxpJpGOr8OV_QMN?invite=cr-MSxUOVMsMTU4NjUzNjY3LA  

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Should be 12 clips in total breakdown of start to finish. 

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Hey man I'm the admin that banned you.
The reason you and your friends were pkd is because you fail mugged the 2 guys. You guys mugged them Infront of an NPC which invalidates it. Although no items were taken, the intent was there. 

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+1 bs failed mug got pked also was there didn’t get out 3 day ban just got a pk also wouldn’t get UA when requested jmoorsey also took his own sit before grabbing the admin faction bias right here. But its diverge so not even worth making the appeal like normal mad respect punisher love u homie- zay 


2 hours ago, Zay santos said:

+1 bs failed mug got pked also was there didn’t get out 3 day ban just got a pk also wouldn’t get UA when requested jmoorsey also took his own sit before grabbing the admin faction bias right here. But its diverge so not even worth making the appeal like normal mad respect punisher love u homie- zay 

 We also never got killed nor died witch makes a pk make no sense 


8 hours ago, DopeAsRoe said:

Hey man I'm the admin that banned you.
The reason you and your friends were pkd is because you fail mugged the 2 guys. You guys mugged them Infront of an NPC which invalidates it. Although no items were taken, the intent was there. 

Just don’t understand how a pk comes out of a fail mug when nobody took anyone’s items they were just restrained…. As well as nobody even laying a finger on neither soul on both sides then the staff member being in the faction were having problems with gets us and grabs u then he says word for word staff have final say on the punishment and that’s why he is doing pks fishy af never heard of someone getting pked over a fail mug and that goes to my last 4 years on the server good to know that the staff that play have leverage vs the normal player. 

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47 minutes ago, Zay santos said:

nobody took anyone’s items they were just restrained….

  1.  Your secluded location should be the closest, within a reasonable distance.
  2. Secluded and non public areas include; Alleys, dark corners, abandoned buildings and areas void of other players or NPCs.

There are several ways you may initiate a mugging, the following actions can be considered initiation of a mugging:
- Attempting to Zip tie someone [Does not apply if you BAIT people into tying you by saying they may or by stealing their items, therefore forcing them to tie you to retrieve them.]
- Holding someone at gunpoint with the intention of mugging them
- Holding someone at gunpoint to pull them to a secluded location for a mugging
- Holding someone at gunpoint and ordering them to drop cash / items

The rules specify that zip tying is a way to initiate a mug and during the whole mug, your excuse for not taking anything is that the script is broken, so if you could have taken our stuff, you would have.

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nigga u just retarded mugging in front of an npc then begging to get perm banned cooked


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39 minutes ago, Bullets said:

The rules specify that zip tying is a way to initiate a mug and during the whole mug, your excuse for not taking anything is that the script is broken, so if you could have taken our stuff, you would have.

Neither did I or punisher zip tie anybody that was somebody else 🤷🏼

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25 minutes ago, Zay santos said:

Neither did I or punisher zip tie anybody that was somebody else 🤷🏼

You assisted the group in the mugging, making you an accomplice in the fail mug.

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1 hour ago, Bullets said:

You assisted the group in the mugging, making you an accomplice in the fail mug.

What makes the mug a pk when nobody died?  I get what we did is wrong like okay we understand won’t happen again but the pk should not of been in play 

Edited by Zay santos
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Staff can administrate a PK as a punishment if the rulebreak meets the requirement, such as a mass mugging character, minge character, throwaway character, item transfer, dying during a failmug etc. 
It's generally left to the discretion of the handling administrator, however in this instance I agree with your assessment; so I will accept this appeal on the basis that you did not die while committing this mugging nor are you a mugging character or alt character. I will not be reversing the PK of any alt characters who were pk'ed alongside you. 

I will be applying a ban as part of the punishment for fail mug. I will amend the mugging rules to better reflect staff purview for punishment. 

Because of the incident we were able to identify the bug with the restraints turning into cuffs and will be fixing it soon.


13 hours ago, Night said:

Doing this just to prove my point show me exactly what i know is going to happen 

Your attitude needs to change, even in the last clip you say "the entire staff team and Pendred hate me" 

No one knows who you are and no one is out to get you, the staff member in question handled the situation without bias and applied the ruling and punishment to the best of his knowledge and experience, he volunteers his time to make the server a better place and is not privy to stalking your exact movements. The only person who got themself into this situation was you. The idea that an entire staff team 'hates you' is a very self centered world view.


I consider my decision to grant you the PK reversal to be very generous, especially considering the number of bans and notes you have. Shape up.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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