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PK appeal

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I dont understand why I was player killed, someone backed me into a corner randomly by an atm in a group of people and said "dont make you tie you up" and ended with killing him. the thought it would be funny to get me pked for a mugging scenario (nobody got tied up or robbed)  . is there anyway someone could review his clip other than the last guy? I don't understand how I can get pked from a random guy killing me at an atm Infront of a crowd of people unrealistically without fallowing any pk guidelines and still get a pk. 

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Just now, Trainerxi said:

I dont understand why I was player killed, someone backed me into a corner randomly by an atm in a group of people and said "dont make you tie you up" and ended with killing him. the thought it would be funny to get me pked for a mugging scenario (nobody got tied up or robbed)  . is there anyway someone could review his clip other than the last guy? I don't understand how I can get pked from a random guy killing me at an atm Infront of a crowd of people unrealistically without fallowing any pk guidelines and still get a pk. 

idk if its needed by my ingame name was Chase Dabag

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You must follow the provided template for the appeal, failure to do so will result in an instant denial.

Name of Character:


Your Discord ID#:

Date of PK:

Reason for PK:

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

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Hello, I pk'd you.


This is the clip that was sent to me:

Yes, I've informed the other person in the sit with you that he was infact being a douche and body blocking, however, there are multiple ways of dealing with that situation.

you can call police, call staff, pull out a gun and tell him to move, call for help to people nearby, so many options, but you chose to attempt to restrain the person making it an attempted mugging / kidnapping, making the PK valid. 


I've informed the other person to not be a dick and going forward I most likely won't accept pk's that stem from body blocks like that in the clip, but also at the same time I didn't want to deny it on a first time offense and set the precedent that if someone is body blocking you at an atm that you can just ziptie them and "the admin will deny the pk ticket".


Careful with your actions in the future, read all PK stipulations that can occur that can result in you getting PKd to avoid it!

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4 hours ago, Falcon said:

Hello, I pk'd you.


This is the clip that was sent to me:

Yes, I've informed the other person in the sit with you that he was infact being a douche and body blocking, however, there are multiple ways of dealing with that situation.

you can call police, call staff, pull out a gun and tell him to move, call for help to people nearby, so many options, but you chose to attempt to restrain the person making it an attempted mugging / kidnapping, making the PK valid. 


I've informed the other person to not be a dick and going forward I most likely won't accept pk's that stem from body blocks like that in the clip, but also at the same time I didn't want to deny it on a first time offense and set the precedent that if someone is body blocking you at an atm that you can just ziptie them and "the admin will deny the pk ticket".


Careful with your actions in the future, read all PK stipulations that can occur that can result in you getting PKd to avoid it!

Ok I understand but please under understand this, the thing is I can't call pd when he already said hes going to tie me up in a corner with a gun pointed at me. staff never answers my reports and myself/everyone else around believed he was joking. plus Ive had admins invalidate a mugging ive done for fail if it was by an npc, vending machine and in the open ( you can check my warning notes on it ) he literally broke all of these and was closer to an npc than my invalidation I had gotten https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jKGQdahZEsOBUF655?invite=cr-MSxIUVMsMzE4NzY2MjY5LA theres an npc in that store we are outside of.


I get you don't want to set the precedent, but its already been set and would be extremely unfair to accept this even though myself and many others have gotten warnings and "fail muggings" for far less unrealistic things. if you are able to look at my previous warning you can see I got in trouble because the place I robbed someone was around the corner from an npc and a block away from the police station despite staying in character the whole time and not even having a pk in mind... I get pked even though this guy is outside the the npcs wall, in a group of people waving around a gun and body blocking? While yelling "Don't think I wont tie you up!" there's nothing I could have done and if my previous warning was fail by u this 100% should be treated the same, you didn't want to spoil his first time but in turn I got my first slot PKed over a situation that would've easily been seen as his fault/ fail mugging if I had reported first...

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Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

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