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Mrs Magicals Staff Application

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In-Game Name(s): Detective Maggy Finch, Cleo Sinclair, Chief Assistant District Attorney Kaya Serrato, Miniclu Mozart, Rosa Spadaro
Steam Name: Mrs Magical
Steam Profile Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Ms_Magical/ 
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54864970
Discord Username: transitioned
Age: 24
When did you first join the server: March of 2024
Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 7mo 3d 19h 50m
Time Zone: CST
How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: 5+ hours a day
Have you read the rules?: Yes
Do you have a working microphone?: Yes
Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes
Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No
Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes

What is your motivation/reason for applying?:  *
I put way to much time into the server to not give back to the community in any way. I enjoy playing Diverge and I saw the announcement, so why not apply and help out.

Why should you be considered over other candidates?:  *
Becuase I know way to much about this game. Having held the positions that I've held I feel like I've more than proved myself to be an asset to the community. Having been HC of a crim faction, and currently Sergeant Detective, as well as CADA and Bar Adjudicator. I'm a very active community member.

Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, what position and how long):
I helped run a server called Wolven Territory Lawless Roleplay for a few years as community Manager before I was given ownership for the last year of the servers life. (I didn't kill it I promise, it's complicated). This was when I was a teenager from when I was 15 to 17 approximately. 

Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?:

Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: 
Mostly everybody knows me or has heard about Maggy Finch but it's certainly split on people liking me or not. Generally I have a positive reputation as I try to be kind, and my bad reputation is typically just about my gender as some people have an issue with that.

What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?:
As a new player SomeSpy took me and several of my friends, one being DopeAsRoe, on this week long plotted out story arc and we had to rob a CIA cult house, the PD, and a Train. It made me fall in love with the server. It almost felt more like a table top rpg than a video game which was a really fun experience. Also, Jmoorsey Apology video was pretty funny.

Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: DopeAsRoe

Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?:
Assuming I'm not the only staff online I ask for an RDM sit in staff chat and show the other staff member the clip like usual. If nobody is online or they're all afk and it's been a while bring the guy to a sit with myself and give him a warn or ban depending on his PO's. Clipping the sit to make sure somebody else can go over my work if the person decides to make a staff report.

You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?:
Collect evidence, such as clips of the abuse and bring it to UA

A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?:
I'd ask another staff to take it. If nobody is taking the ticket I take it and go through the typical sit process and punish the friend/faction member based on their PO's. Clipping the sit to make sure somebody can go over my work if it gets brought up.

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-1 hell nah nigga u a bum as well as a biased man you will just side with your friend 

Edited by ix_crazy_xi
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-1 Changed there faction discord server into 18+ and then stepped down and continues to kick all the under 18 players because she hates them all makes cringe roles like safety lock which moves you to a separate vc because you are under the age of 18 she will definitely show bias to the over 18 aged players.

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-1 degen loser is going to mute people for talking shit

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also starts banning people for saying nigga 

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-1 dont think your fit for staff 

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-1. Lowkey changed my mind playtime is like at least 4 or even 5 months of AFK time lol

Edited by xDutchCat
changed my mind ngl
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-1 your goomah tried to pk trey sanders #survivedthepen

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1 minute ago, Vizionz said:

-1 your goomah tried to pk trey sanders #survivedthepen

lowkey vaild


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5 minutes ago, MrlogicNova said:

-1 Changed there faction discord server into 18+ and then stepped down and continues to kick all the under 18 players because she hates them all makes cringe roles like safety lock which moves you to a separate vc because you are under the age of 18 she will definitely show bias to the over 18 aged players.

I just wanna make this clear. I don't kick you from Legacy becuase you're under 18, there's plenty of children in that faction. I specifically kick you and Kenji becuase you guys can't control yourselves.

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Just now, Unsatisfied said:

I just wanna make this clear. I don't kick you from Legacy becuase you're under 18, there's plenty of children in that faction. I specifically kick you and Kenji becuase you guys can't control yourselves.

you kicked me after "i said Hi banshee how are you doing"

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-1 this one is NOT it. there's other questionable people that put up staff apps but this is one is just not it.

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1 minute ago, Unsatisfied said:

I just wanna make this clear. I don't kick you from Legacy becuase you're under 18, there's plenty of children in that faction. I specifically kick you and Kenji becuase you guys can't control yourselves.

you are just a bad person 

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No -1


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Cant be worse than jmorsey though
yknow what +1 we need a dei hire 

Edited by Platocygnus
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-1 hell no 

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-1 nah 

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metagaming is gonna go crazy if this gets accepted

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Pros: Is very kind and can be unbiased when absolutely needed. Looks out for people and is pretty chill
Cons: I only see u on maggy finch now : ( Also is AFK when on crim char most of the time 

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35 minutes ago, MrlogicNova said:

-1 Changed there faction discord server into 18+ and then stepped down and continues to kick all the under 18 players because she hates them all makes cringe roles like safety lock which moves you to a separate vc because you are under the age of 18 she will definitely show bias to the over 18 aged players.

In my opinion this is not a valid reason to -1, you young bucks often just talk waffle and nonsense in the discord, and what they do in **their** discord is up to them, and it was NOT unjust.


I believe this is a +1 on the app as they have proven to be a responsible, objective and capable member of the community. 

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Is Maggy a questionable person at times, yes. Have I had both good and bad experiences, yes. Shes been on long enough that she knows she can't just ban people for saying whatever, but Maggy is one of the few people who take initiative when people are just taking it too far. She has made the server feel much more safe and fair for me, which is what a staff member should do. She also was great at training on my cop char, and didn't make me feel dumb when I asked questions. It seems like she has the experience and passion for it.


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I like being different.

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She is a good person, and will be an integral part of the community. I can understand the asinine negative comments. She is really active and will give her the time to moderate the server. That is IMO


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