MrlogicNova Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 (edited) In-Game Name(s): Luca "Lucky" Schwartz ,Operative Mason Peralta, Mac Palmer, Leddy "Led" Kai, Archibald Herrington Steam Name: LogicN Steam Profile Link: Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:560397984 Discord Username: mrlogicnova Age: 16 When did you first join the server: around April time Total playtime on our Servers (Do !time in-game): 1mo 4w 1d 4h 9m Time Zone: GMT How much time can you realistically dedicate to moderating?: Around 4 - 5 Hours a day Have you read the rules?: Yes Do you have a working microphone?: Yes Do you acknowledge that you must meet the weekly minimum ticket quota of 20 tickets? (Unless you have posted a valid LOA): Yes Are you familiarized with SAM and/or Nutscript commands?: No. Do you acknowledge that lying on this application will result in immediate denial and blacklisting from staff?: Yes ------------------------------------------------- Long Answer Questions proceeded with an asterix require a response of 5 Sentences Minimum. What is your motivation/reason for applying?: * I love playing on Diverge its what i put most of my free time into and usually spend more that 7 hours a day on the server. When i log on at my usual time there is only one staff member on. aswell as the facet i always see players complain that they have had a ticket open for such a long period of time with no reply and want to help that change. I also want to become staff to help stop constant rule breaking on the server over the last couple weeks I've seen people Constantly RDM repeatedly with no punishment because of the lack of active staff. i also want to help the community out as much as i can. Why should you be considered over other candidates?: * I have staffing experience in other games even though i may be known as a retard . I'm not that stupid at heart. i am unbiased in any situation dont care who you are to me or if your my friend if you did something wrong im going to ban you. i also am very active and will be willing to spend as much time as i can on diverge staffing if i am accepted. i have many friends who are parts of the staff team who I'm willing to learn from and ask to teach me the robes and guide me through a staffing journey. Im not going to throw this opportunity away if i do get accepted because i have no life and main this server because i really like the community even if some dont like me. Do you have any previous staffing experience? (Please list where, I have staffing experience Outside of Gmod for a Minecraft event server. i am currently head of event staff Have you been banned before on any of our servers? If so, why?: i have been banned 3 separate times my first ban was for metagame i was banned because one of my friends watched me get arrested switched chars and raided pd and another one of my friends came in the cell and took my gun. the second one was for revenge pk attempt i understood why monaclu banned me i defiantly deserved it my final ban was for RDM i shot the same guy twice on 2 separate occasions because he drove into my same friend twice and i killed him even though it was an accident i didn't mean a harmful intent but i understand why i was banned. Would you say that you are well known in our community, what's your reputation, what do other members think of you?: * most people think of me as a young idiot. this can be supported by the fact during my first couple weeks on diverge i have done some stupid things which i have learned form and apologised to the people i wronged even if they didn't forgive me. i also have on multiple occasions made a fool of myself like on my first cop character where i reflected from my mistakes to become a better officer in the next line of duty. this can also be shown in the fact i have been friends with the wrong people on diverge who broke rules constantly who where very much hated on diverge who i am no longer in contact with and have cut of completely. aswell from the fact that during 1 year on the server ive been banned 3 times which i completely acknowledge as a mistake made on my part. What is your favourite moment on Diverge so far?: 6/14 before the new map change or the Hanukah Block party. Have any staff members recommended you? If so, list their names: none didn't ask anyone to ------------------------------------------------- Problem Solving Detail step by step exactly the actions you would take. Someone RDMs and you are currently off-duty. How do you handle this?: first i would take a clip using my medal and let it process. after my clip is processed i would make a ticket saying i have been rdmed i have a clip. if i am the only staff on i would make a player report on the forums to ensure the player gets a fair punishment for breaking the rdm rules. You have seen a fellow staff member of higher or equal rank than you abusing fairly often, but never doing anything too noticeable. What do you do?: first i would try and get proof of this actually happening. once this proof is obtained i would make a UA ticket in the discord or DM a UA staff member who has no involvement in the situation. Just because there a staff member doesn't mean they get to do whatever they want and break the rules. A member of your faction / friend of yours has a ticket made against them accusing them of RDM’ing, and minging. You know that this person rarely does this when you play with him. How do you proceed knowing this? Does it constitute possible bias?: First i would opt to not take the ticket as the person being accused is my friend / faction member. if there is no there staff on or an influx of tickets i would take the ticket and talk to both people and get both sides of the story plus any valid evidence EG; a clip from one of the parties evolved. Once my Judgement has been made i would try and get another staff members opinion on the situation and see if my judgement is valid. then i would give the punishment to the player if one is needed that me and the other staff member decided on. Edited February 27 by MrlogicNova New char 2 1 3 1 Link to comment
Jmoorsey Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 U make my ears bleed sometimes. Wait a couple months. -1 Link to comment
MrlogicNova Posted February 22 Author Share Posted February 22 Just now, Jmoorsey said: U make my ears bleed sometimes. Wait a couple months. -1 Understandable thank you for you're input Jmoorsey Link to comment
handsome Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 2 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said: U make my ears bleed sometimes. Wait a couple months. -1 -1 Hes a staff and an admin i agree 1 Link to comment
David Mason Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 2 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said: U make my ears bleed sometimes. Wait a couple months. -1 you said it man frfr -1 Link to comment
Fiver_zer0 Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 6 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said: U make my ears bleed sometimes. Wait a couple months. -1 -1 i have to agree bro.... 1 Link to comment
Jmoorsey Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 3 minutes ago, Unsatisfied said: -1 sorry, but please no who the fuck r u?? Dont ever respond to any forums posts you queer. You're input means nothing. 1 1 1 Link to comment
Unsatisfied Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 3 minutes ago, Jmoorsey said: who the fuck r u?? Dont ever respond to any forums posts you queer. You're input means nothing. 1 2 Link to comment
Jmoorsey Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 10 minutes ago, Unsatisfied said: Link to comment
Z67H Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 Honestly I feel like we could give him a chance I mean we had gave jmoorsey a chance why not him 1 Link to comment
ix_crazy_xi Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 2 minutes ago, Z67H said: Honestly I feel like we could give him a chance I mean we had gave jmoorsey a chance why not him nigga u dumb 1 1 Link to comment
xDutchCat Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 Apart from you sometimes being very annoying I do believe you got very good knowledge about the server rules and you're very active, just because is 16 and could be very immature/annoying doesnt mean his negatives shouldnt be overlooked with his positives 1 Link to comment
MrlogicNova Posted February 22 Author Share Posted February 22 57 minutes ago, xDutchCat said: Apart from you sometimes being very annoying I do believe you got very good knowledge about the server rules and you're very active, just because is 16 and could be very immature/annoying doesnt mean his negatives shouldnt be overlooked with his positives Thank you for your honest input Dutchcat I do admit I can be annoying sometimes but If I get staff I will try to better myself 1 Link to comment
helpitburns Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 +1 would walk thru hell and back for this man Link to comment
Seb Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 -1 I don't think you are ready for it 1 Link to comment
Chuilliov2 Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 i give him a +1 personally, they let a young ear bleeding kid in thats also somewhat stupid and look at him, hes admin, id say logics got it, even tho he does sound like a godamn broken record 1 Link to comment
TroubledGhost Posted February 22 Share Posted February 22 5 hours ago, xDutchCat said: Apart from you sometimes being very annoying I do believe you got very good knowledge about the server rules and you're very active, just because is 16 and could be very immature/annoying doesnt mean his negatives shouldnt be overlooked with his positives I generally agree with the above - frankly there are quite a few staff who are around the 16 mark of age and can be more annoying that this fella - but i dont find him annoying as such mentioned. I dont believe this fella has many bans and does take this server seriously and hope his ventures of becoming staff come true whether now or in the future. I am giving a +1 but with the opinion there's still room to develop ones character and develop as player to fit this role effectively Link to comment
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