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Name of Character: Artyom Yaroslav

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:634888902

Your Discord ID#: azirith

Date of PK: 2/19/2025

Reason for PK: I literally have no clue I left for 10 minutes to get food and came back to getting PK'd, I was locked in a room not even doing anything

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe I was RDM'd 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I don't have any because I was AFK

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Hello, I'm the boss that ordered your death. We simply killed you because I was on good information that you tried to sell narcotics in a business in front of good friends essentially in public. This not only compromises our faction but hurts relations with other factions, I hope this provided clarity to the PK.

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Hello, Pking administrator here.


I was met with a ticket stating "Don's Orders" . This ticket was made for your death due to doing things you weren't supposed to.  For example, the orders briefly stated you were attempting to sell drugs to a friend of the faction in the middle of their business. Violating their rules.


When you joined the family it was brought to your attention that you will not break any rules or do things that could possibly endanger the family. With this being said the faction has decided to Pk you for your actions. 

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yunghayvo i literally joined and the dude that trained me told me to sell meth to people and sent me the drug economy and what to sell stuff for, I wasn't told about rules or doing anything that could endanger the family, I was told to pat people down and sell drugs to them


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