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David Burger ban


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Your Character or Steam Name:   David "Gramps" Burger

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:1:646046775

Your Discord ID#:  reduxdemon

Reason for ban: Punch Minging/NITRP then Perma from joining with alt. account

Length of ban: 12 Hour then Perma

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):  I understand the 12 hour ban and don't want to dispute that aspect. I didn't know going onto an Alt. account would give me a permanent ban. If i knew that i would not have gone onto my other account to begin with. My apologies.

Why should you be unbanned? I don't really have a good reason to be honest. I play the server and have fun. I went a bit overboard with punch minging i will agree. All i do is loiter at Habibis and occasionally help out. No other reason than allowing me to loiter once again along side the Habibi family. Also with no more punch minging and alt steam account stuff.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):  Habibi's #1 restaurant in N.Y City ❤️ Still love you xDutchCat

Edited by REDuxDemon
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Hello Banning Administrator here,


I banned you for 12 hours because this person who you punchminged delilah (someone) in your faction who is/was probably unaware of your actions that you were playing on an alternative character to joke around. I punished you for 12 hour ban since they wanted you to be punished and i did so because you had a clean record(also because i didnt know who you was ngl, looked like a whiteshirt minge) But yes from the David Burger perspective I've seen that you're playing on the server fairly and that you do your best to take this roleplay as serious as you can.


As for the Perma, There is a system that detects on an attempt on ban evasion that a ban will turn in to permanent.

However, I do believe you deserve a second chance since you never tried to cause any harm to users in the community. I even believe if Delilah was aware of you doing it it wouldn't even be a note on your rapsheet. So if you get the second chance by your ban(s) being removed, I expect you not to make the same mistake twice by trying to evade your ban

Edited by xDutchCat
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I will do better Dutch thank you for the second chance. I appreciate it. ❤️

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This is your one chance, don't attempt to alt again.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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