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muh ban appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name:  Don Quixote

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:506620259

Your Discord ID#: 612333487076147211

Reason for ban: "Global Rules"

Length of ban: Permanent.

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): So to explain what I was banned for, 4 years ago I was an active member of Diverge and was participating in the LEO rp of the server. At the time, I was 13 years old running around trying to cop larp and do whatever I could to have fun on the server, but inevitably I was surrounded by bad actors that influenced me to say some pretty stupid shit because I thought it was cool.

The staff member who banned me, Rem, had their online persona as the fictional character of the same name, who is supposedly a minor character in the show. And the picture Rem had of her on their profile contained said character lying on a bed, with condoms on the bottom left of the picture that weren't too noticable. I was in a vc with friends at the time and mentioned this as being funny to me, and someone told me that the character was underaged.

Now when I mentioned this in the Diverge server, I of course mentioned it completely out of left field and just called Rem a pedophile. Now of course that is completely inexcusable and an abhorrent accusation to throw at someone's way, but again, I was 13 years old and was just being a little shit. At 17, I've greatly matured and am currently taking college courses on the side of my highschool assignments, so I'm a lot more mature than other people my age, especially on a platform like this. I do apologize to Rem if they are reading this for making that comment, as it's obviously not something you should say about someone on the internet with the gravity of its undertones.

Why should you be unbanned?: It's been 4 years since I've been banned, and recently gmod rp in general has taken a turn for the worst. There's not many interesting servers out there, and I had plenty of fun on Diverge from the few months that I've played in it. The LEO rp was fun, and at one point I was even considering becoming a lawyer, as I have a real life interest in wanting to become an attorney when I grow up.

With that aside, I just want to get unbanned so I can come back to the server and see what's changed since 2021. I hold no grudges against absolutely anybody and believe my ban was justified, but 4 years is a long enough time for somebody to reform themselves and change.

Edited by TheGoodHunter
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-1 You still broke the rules old or not that does not give you the right to do anything you want, also a freaky picture to have

Edited by handsome
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-1 That's not a cool thing to do. You broke the rules and must accept the punishment. You reap what you sow.

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The reason you can appeal perm bans is the hope that overtime you will reconsider your actions and hopefully learn from them. I remember being on COD at 13 and saying some things that I would never say now at 18. Yes, you broke the rules, and yes morally what you did was very wrong; however, 4 years is a long time and the maturity level between a 13 y/o and 17 y/o are vastly different. If you've apologized directly to the person who you said these things about, then I think this is a fair, and well written appeal. 



Edited by Burner_xo
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Man was on Nazi Larp at 13 or younger, wildin'

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13 minutes ago, Burner_xo said:

The reason you can appeal perm bans is the hope that overtime you will reconsider your actions and hopefully learn from them. I remember being on COD at 13 and saying some things that I would never say now at 18. Yes, you broke the rules, and yes morally what you did was very wrong; however, 4 years is a long time and the maturity level between a 13 y/o and 17 y/o are vastly different. If you've apologized directly to the person who you said these things about, then I think this is a fair, and well written appeal. 



he didnt do much wrong morally he just broke the rules

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queen elizabeth and betty white were alive when this dude was banned

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I think it’s a very loser thing to do and it’s quite literally a picture on someone’s steam artwork. But you were young which is understandable. It’s not that deep and I don’t really care anymore either. I’ll support your unban


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+1 everyone deserves a second chance and it was 4 years ago. Best of luck 

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5 hours ago, Rem said:

I think it’s a very loser thing to do and it’s quite literally a picture on someone’s steam artwork. But you were young which is understandable. It’s not that deep and I don’t really care anymore either. I’ll support your unban



Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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