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PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Cirillo Principato

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:217293411

Your Discord ID#: empzh

Date of PK: 07 February 2025

Reason for PK: Failing to pay dues, disrespecting high command

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

- I was lured onto the character and to the location by discord DM's

- The "discrespect" happened in a discord VC marked as (OOC)

-The character was excused from kickups and never again ordered/told/warned to pay again

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:


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Hello! I was supervising admin for this PK. I can confirm that the orders stated the reasoning for the PK was lack of kickup payment and disrespect of high command, but if what you say is true, then that is very concerning. I'll leave it to higher staff to determine if the above screenshot and explanation for the invalid nature of the orders warrant further action.

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Hello Emp.... The reason you were pk'd was due to multiple reasons including:

A. The way you went about your rings being sold by one of our capos.
B. Your character hasnt paid any due fees in well over a year and the way you came onto that character and started trying to start a quarrel in the wrong way.
C. Completely disrespecting a Captain in the middle of his store.

now With this Discord use.

In this screenshot it looks like You asked bullets to be added to his bank for "Drip purposes" 
Which we all know requires a charID I dont know how bullets is gonna pull a char id out of thin air. So him asking you to switch back to your character to get your char ID seems pretty fair to me.

You asked to be added to the bank.

He cant get your charID any other way.... 

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A. The way you went about your rings being sold by one of our capos.

-Discord talks, ICly everything was formal

B. Your character hasnt paid any due fees in well over a year and the way you came onto that character and started trying to start a quarrel in the wrong way.

-Was never ordered to pay again, warned, or approached about it. You yourself are admitting that I'm in the right here, therefore not paying dues is invalid as a reason.

C. Completely disrespecting a Captain in the middle of his store.

-Untrue, I asked a simple question, I didn't disrespect anyone ICly.


You're allowed to lure people onto their characters by staging a sitdown or meeting, not through DMs, this is a clear rule.

Him calling me on and providing the location was purely done for the PK, he couldve asked for my charID to be sent via DMs, instead it was taken advantage of.


Considering the fact that I was lured through DMs is one thing, but both PK reasons are without proof and the proof that can be provided is not in your favor.

Also there was a sitdown before the incident about the rings and the whole. Therefore the situation was resolved ICly.


How was he informed about my whereabouts? Seems like he's just gambling and suddenly knows where to go.



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11 minutes ago, Emperor said:

Lying for the forums I see, so actually you know how I found you and let me tell everyone else here the real truth of the events that happened. So before his sitdown I was giving the orders to kill him by the character "coco" once given the orders I left went to prep and meet up with another hitman we then walked into the motel 10 mid sitdown to where empz and coco told us to leave and wait. Once waiting around 4 minutes empz and coco walked out the motel room 10 and hung around with us outside the motel for about 5 minutes while I tried to figure a spot to lure empz to kill we then walked over to the atm by the casino where I brought up gambling and said we should gamble empz still being RIGHT next to us the whole time me and the two others talked to the casino and as soon as we hit the corner I noticed empz was not following so I went around the corner to look and he was gone I then pressed the TAB menu seeing he has left or changed characters. FROM this point I played blackjack in the casino while waiting the TAB menu waiting for him to load back in the server once I noticed him in the tab menu I ran to his last location which is why in my clip you see me look at the atm area then I see him at the motel. I noticed empz as I had just been introduced to him and given him f3 and he has the same suit as the male outside the motel room seen in my clip.

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12 minutes ago, RaeSlaughter said:

Lying for the forums I see, so actually you know how I found you and let me tell everyone else here the real truth of the events that happened. So before his sitdown I was giving the orders to kill him by the character "coco" once given the orders I left went to prep and meet up with another hitman we then walked into the motel 10 mid sitdown to where empz and coco told us to leave and wait. Once waiting around 4 minutes empz and coco walked out the motel room 10 and hung around with us outside the motel for about 5 minutes while I tried to figure a spot to lure empz to kill we then walked over to the atm by the casino where I brought up gambling and said we should gamble empz still being RIGHT next to us the whole time me and the two others talked to the casino and as soon as we hit the corner I noticed empz was not following so I went around the corner to look and he was gone I then pressed the TAB menu seeing he has left or changed characters. FROM this point I played blackjack in the casino while waiting the TAB menu waiting for him to load back in the server once I noticed him in the tab menu I ran to his last location which is why in my clip you see me look at the atm area then I see him at the motel. I noticed empz as I had just been introduced to him and given him f3 and he has the same suit as the male outside the motel room seen in my clip.

Lying for the forums? I'm simply stating observations.

My last laction wasn't around there, also clearly you had no money to gamble, shown in the chat log.

From this point on I'll refrain from further comments and let the staff team decide.

Thank you for your version of the story and the time it took to write it down.

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36 minutes ago, Emperor said:

Lying for the forums? I'm simply stating observations.

My last laction wasn't around there, also clearly you had no money to gamble, shown in the chat log.

From this point on I'll refrain from further comments and let the staff team decide.

Thank you for your version of the story and the time it took to write it down.

Staff will see the money I lost at the casino you meth head

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1 minute ago, RaeSlaughter said:

Staff will see the money I lost at the casino you meth head

Cool, I see only what's in the clip.

Foul language was uncalled for man, thought you're more mature than that. No point in arguing with you.

I genuinely hope you'll get well.

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6 hours ago, Emperor said:


-Discord talks, ICly everything was formal

-Was never ordered to pay again, warned, or approached about it. You yourself are admitting that I'm in the right here, therefore not paying dues is invalid as a reason.

-Untrue, I asked a simple question, I didn't disrespect anyone ICly.

- ICly you went up to a Captain and demanded that he takes down your rings. Which including not paying dues which I mention more below is just complete disrespect and feels like you only wanna play that character and have no repercussions and yet still have some authority without actually playing and roleplaying.

You're allowed to lure people onto their characters by staging a sitdown or meeting, not through DMs, this is a clear rule.

Him calling me on and providing the location was purely done for the PK, he couldve asked for my charID to be sent via DMs, instead it was taken advantage of.

- You had your sitdown. You "Sorted everything" you then asked to be added to the bank after you got off your char. This was mentioned in the sitdown therefore Id consider this to do with the result of the sitdown. 

Considering the fact that I was lured through DMs is one thing, but both PK reasons are without proof and the proof that can be provided is not in your favor.

-Simple thing for this even if you had been exempt from paying kickups from previous Management. The current one hasnt allowed this. Due to this and having over a year of not paying. You died.




Proof of sitdown

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21 minutes ago, Coconut said:


- ICly you went up to a Captain and demanded that he takes down your rings. Which including not paying dues which I mention more below is just complete disrespect and feels like you only wanna play that character and have no repercussions and yet still have some authority without actually playing and roleplaying.

               - Incorrect, I have asked why he was selling them. Chat logs prove that as I wasn't using my mic.

-Simple thing for this even if you had been exempt from paying kickups from previous Management. The current one hasnt allowed this. Due to this and having over a year of not paying. You died.

                - Me not paying dues was decided upon as a conveniency for you. If that was the reason, I would've died long ago, received a warning, or been approached about it.

                   a call was made to this and never disputed, therefore it's to be considered still valid and accepted.


Please stop trying to create pointless arguments, it was okay with the kickups for years until today suddenly. Are all faction rules and decisions nullified when new management steps in?
Was that ever announced? Ever communicated? No.

Therefore I see the PK as invalid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The orders for the PK were not valid.

You made him exempt from paying kickups you can't then give orders for not paying them. Dissing someone on its how for what we can gather just the once isn't enough, and finally the situation with the clothing items and rings a large part of it is ooc and across chars.

So due to this, your char will be returned but all knowledge of/interactions with Bonannos are voided.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

Edited by James
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