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PK Appeal

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Name of Character: Bianca Cargill

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:784526431

Your Discord ID#: delilah.avicenna

Date of PK: 2/5/2025

Reason for PK: fail mug?

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: No fear rp initiated before until I had already pulled my gun out.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jDzWxfbQOaXhNFn1E?invite=cr-MSxGYXksMTk5MTA2OTU2LA

Edited by delilah avicenna
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Hello I was the Admin that PKed you.

The action that initiated the mug was his attempt to tie you, he then had you at gunpoint and you failed to comply with the mugger's demands and attempted to kill him breaking FearRP, resulting in your death and PK shown in this clip.

"Breaking Fear RP during a mugging or raid. If you are being mugged and break fear rp and die you may subject to a pk. (See fear RP rules on server rule page to understand when fear rp begins and ends)".

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3 hours ago, Bullets said:

Hello I was the Admin that PKed you.

The action that initiated the mug was his attempt to tie you, he then had you at gunpoint and you failed to comply with the mugger's demands and attempted to kill him breaking FearRP, resulting in your death and PK shown in this clip.

"Breaking Fear RP during a mugging or raid. If you are being mugged and break fear rp and die you may subject to a pk. (See fear RP rules on server rule page to understand when fear rp begins and ends)".

It makes no sense she wasn't even facing the guy who was tying her nor was she even given a verbal command. Had he been like "don't move put your hands up" before she moved or pulled her gun,  totally different but this was the goofiest mugging ever. 


FURTHER we have a theory that it was a mugging character combined with a level of metagame. I'll provide a clip below but we are fairly certain that the one who did the mugging was either: a) the dude we recently pk'ed; or b) not their main character. 




We think there was a level of metagame on this one. It's funny that they come saying things like that when those details weren't publicly known but we're also pretty sure they wouldn't be coming forward to tell on themselves like that either. 

Edited by RevampedRebel
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Bro didn’t make any demands till he shot her 🫥, pretty wacky, no Roleplay to the mugging. I should make an alt too and start PKing people like this if it’s this easy to kill someone’s character🤷

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1 minute ago, Sneak said:

Bro didn’t make any demands till he shot her 🫥, pretty wacky, no Roleplay to the mugging. I should make an alt too and start PKing people like this if it’s this easy to kill someone’s character🤷

If you aren't involved with the situation or have nothing to add please don't reply.

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14 minutes ago, Bullets said:

If you aren't involved with the situation or have nothing to add please don't reply.

We are involved because a mugging char fail mugged someone on our property which resulted in a raid this appeal is bigger than getting a char back

edit: - SoS don

Edited by Skitz_shitz
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3 hours ago, Bullets said:

Hello I was the Admin that PKed you.

The action that initiated the mug was his attempt to tie you, he then had you at gunpoint and you failed to comply with the mugger's demands and attempted to kill him breaking FearRP, resulting in your death and PK shown in this clip.

"Breaking Fear RP during a mugging or raid. If you are being mugged and break fear rp and die you may subject to a pk. (See fear RP rules on server rule page to understand when fear rp begins and ends)".

Further examining the clip you sent, the mugger in question is literally a mugging character in the citizens of new york faction. This is not someone's main character. They did not initiate any form of RP nor do they have anything to lose if they fuck up in the mugging. People have been getting banned and pk's have been getting overturned for similar reasons and I do hope this trend of mugging/minge chars being banned and their effects overturned continues. 


Further, before Skitz and I get accused of adding onto a ticket that doesnt concern us, we're the faction leaders for the character in question and responsible for the property in question. We're absolutely affected by this minge garbage being allowed to fail mug and pk an active member of the faction who, funny enough, wasn't even involved in illegal shit she was running as a legal character who was just rping as a barmaid. 

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6 hours ago, Sneak said:

Bro didn’t make any demands till he shot her 🫥, pretty wacky, no Roleplay to the mugging. I should make an alt too and start PKing people like this if it’s this easy to kill someone’s character🤷

yeah it really does look like a fail mug. he snuck up to a player who looked afk and purposely didnt say  a word to not get her attention, also he shot her while saying " dont move bitch". So if anything he was being confusing. Fail  mug on his part and bad pk if you ask me.

Im not a member of this faction but im commenting because a moderator doesnt want ppl to comment on a open forum where everyone has access to lol.


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19 hours ago, RevampedRebel said:

It makes no sense she wasn't even facing the guy who was tying her nor was she even given a verbal command. Had he been like "don't move put your hands up" before she moved or pulled her gun,  totally different but this was the goofiest mugging ever. 


FURTHER we have a theory that it was a mugging character combined with a level of metagame. I'll provide a clip below but we are fairly certain that the one who did the mugging was either: a) the dude we recently pk'ed; or b) not their main character. 




We think there was a level of metagame on this one. It's funny that they come saying things like that when those details weren't publicly known but we're also pretty sure they wouldn't be coming forward to tell on themselves like that either. 

That was me in that clip you posted. I honestly had no idea this even happened. When I joined SOS last year i got recruited by a skinny black chick hence my reference to her I did not even know of your existence. I apologize for how this looks I know how unreasonable the coincidence sounds and I swear to you all I had nothing to do with this pk. Also if i did have involvement I 100% wouldn’t be flaunting about it at your door. I was just curious why the place got raided and I was making some jokes with some friends.


EDIT: The Woman I was referring to in that clip was Kiesha McCole I’m sorry for your loss

Edited by Davis
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your aim needs to be studied, how do you get the first shots off, a full mag off, directly in front of him, him standing still and you hit 1 shot in the body

Edited by Gent
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Fear RP was never established prior to the victim getting their gun out. Fear RP was not broken as a result. This PK is invalid.


Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.


Edit: User deleted their character, meaning that despite the acceptance of this appeal, the character is unrecoverable.

Edited by KingJewMonaclu
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