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Cops during raids should be PK active here is why.


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I feel that it is unfair and unbalanced during police raids, once raids are over with; if someone in a criminal faction gets killed they are the only ones who are Pk'd. Meanwhile Police that are "shot and killed" they are only sent to the hospital, having consequences for heavy rp situations such as Raiding a property will enhance roleplay. Since it will call for more accurate tactics rather than bum rushing the room being shot and killed and still being able to return to the scene. Police have the resources and capability to do something different than just being "heroic officers in hospital after being shot... oh and lol the only person dead is this criminal!" It is understandable if this is the case while regular street arrests and the person decides to pull out a gun and fire and car chases with the police, but in a case such as raids pks for officers should be considered.

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I set up my property to be raided so my buddy can come behind every cop and PK the entire 12 man police force 

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+1 whys cops got to be the most PROTECTED faction on the server. Get body armor and free life's only risk is pretty much being mugged is crazy. I have like 30 PKs on my cop life that's how broken being a cop is. Walk down the street with a hidden AR and body armor with some crazy gun attachments.

All I'm saying is there should be some risk to doing a raid. 

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It does suck to think that cops can just run into harmful fights and general situations without caring about their life even though the premise of PKs with the roleplay of your life on the server is "disregard for your own life/not valuing your life" and that would fall into such. However, the cops on the server end up in these harmful fights more frequently than a criminal character does and cops are typically the target of random harmful fights by minges or when they are initiated by an illegal offense by a criminal character -- it wouldn't be fair for them to be at risk for every harmful fight as they are frequent. The issue at hand is risk. The cops on the server already have a lot of PK power, it is to add risk to the criminals but what is adding risk to the cops? Just corruption and if they go undercover. I believe the only plausible argument could be a few-day hospitalization (temporary pk). Perhaps adding additional requirements if the temporary PK will apply if the situation involves the raid of a property alongside a warrant? So the frequent raids that do sometimes happen if probable cause is applied without a warrant having to be issued (this normally happens in the ghetto and the townhouses due to minges or sloppy criminals) wouldn't have a temporary PK applied as it simply wouldn't be fair because of the consistent frequency of that specific harmful fight. Some inspiration from HL2 Combine RP servers can be considered as those servers have it where you get banned/kicked off the combine character (a cop character) for a short period when you die.

Edited by yort
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+1 Cops need some kind of risk if not this they need to have situations where you can pk a cop 

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Cops are intentionally on a different playing field to criminals. They are the whole gameplay counter to being a criminal. Makes no sense to have them subject to the same risks as criminals. As a criminal, you should be wanting to avoid police interaction, because the consequences for if not will be drastic.

They can still be PK'd, but unlike criminals most of the situations they are in they are simply doing their job. It is not a criminals job to be arresting people or conducting lawful raids, why should they be punished for that? And why should it be a frequent occurrence?

The main argument mentioned in this thread is about cops not "valuing" their life. If you make the decision to try and shoot and cop during being detained and get blasted, that's nobody's fault but yours. You made that decision, not them. Maybe don't be so quick to resort to violence, which I will repeat again is YOUR decision to do that.

Think objectively for a second and not what selfishly benefits your roleplay as a criminal, you'll immediately realise why things are structured the way they are.

If cops were subject to the same consequences for dying in certain situations; the server would immediately become stale because criminals have no risk and would be able to wipe the floor. No.


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