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ban appeal


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Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:645214006

Your Discord ID#: raphaelgz200

Reason for ban: NITRP | minge | Metagame

Length of ban: perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):

rem had warned me to watch my behavior and I gave them my word I would do so. They had been spectating me that night and saw I was messing with a prop. Although it wasn't targeted to troll anyone, I was simply messing with a small soda can prop and I was immediately banned by rem. I wasn't intruding on anyone's RP or gameplay, but I feel a warning to stop messing with a prop would have been more helpful than a straight-up insta perma-ban.

Not to say that it was uncalled for, as I respect the decisions made by staff, but it only makes the regret feel worse knowing that it didn’t have to go this way.

I'm not sure why my ban reason mentions metagame. I wasn't in a voice call or even in an RP scenario that night. It was a slow night on the server, not many people were on or even on the street, hence why I was doing the equivalent of kicking a can down the street.

I trust that you guys will see my perspective, as you are simply cracking down on trolls, but I hope this will put things into point of view from my end.

I really miss those late Friday nights playing Diverge, just soaking in the energy of the city and enjoying every moment. It felt like such a great escape, a time when everything felt carefree. Looking back, I realize I messed things up—I'm genuinely sorry. I hope I can make things right and rebuild what I've lost.

Why should you be unbanned?

I promise to be a better member than I was before and to avoid anything that could lead to trouble. I just want the chance to roleplay on Diverge again and show that I’ve learned from this. I know these aren't new words, but in all honesty, I don’t think I deserved a permanent ban for something that usually only gets prop gun tooken or even a warning, considering that was my first time messing with props.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

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CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:1:537579455 2023-09-05 02:2
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y ban evade

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with that being half a year ago I don't remember joining while still banned, but it doesn't mean I have ill intentions toward the server, considering that I've have been around for a while, the ban was already set to permanent initially I'm not sure what the context is to that ban length change, your help is greatly appreciated

thank you, have a wonderful day

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According to the ban records you had alted before and were banned, you then appealed the ban for evading it was accepted, link: https://divergenetworks.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=5196

On this appeal I told you not to waste a second chance, yet a few months later you were banned and tried to alt again, resulting in the current permanent ban. You didn't seem to learn that alting didn't work the first time.

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although I do not remember trying to join,  I'm not trying to alt or have ill intentions toward the server, that's why I'm here appealing and I sincerely apologize for any wrongdoing & bad impression I'm giving off, the initial ban was for messing with a prop - it was already a permanent ban, I understand it may not look well for me to join back in, but I'm here to appeal to make things right and I hope you understand I don't wish to be a low effort member of the server. I respect your time and hard work and I truly hope you can understand things from my end

I wasn't committing mass rdm or ruining the experience for other players, I was simply kicking a can down the street and rem was looking for a reason to ban me that night as they had been spectating me for a good amount of time. 
I know it may be no intent to RP, but there was no one in town to even RP with that night, otherwise I wouldn't have been fidgeting with a prop

your help is greatly appreciated
thank you 


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You said these exact things last time and nothing changed. You fail to take responsibility for your actions and instead insist the former staff member was 'out to get you'


You may create a support ticket if you wish to actually put something worth losing behind your words.


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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