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steele_kid Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: steele_kid

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:103168662 or 76561198166603053

Your Discord ID#: 561359409897406468

Reason for ban: NITRP

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute and Apology:

I haven't played this server in roughly 3-4 years and used to have a blast roleplaying on it. I have no idea what caused me to get banned; I don't recall ever being able to plead my case whenever this happened. This was one of my favorite servers on GMod and I was pleasantly surprised to see it still thriving to this very day. I apologize for stirring anyone up whenever this had happened.

Why should you be unbanned?  I was likely banned due to bias 3-4 years ago and couldn't explain any misunderstanding. I very much miss playing this delightful server. Thanks!

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

Edited by steele_kid
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+1 good guy, would like to see him come back.

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10 total bans with another previous permanent and your last ban for NITRP / Minge included an alting extension.


CONSOLE Ban length changed to permanent due to ban evasion attempt on SteamID, STEAM_0:0:611085651 2022-07-15 05:01:54
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Did not know that happened lmaooo, I must’ve just been using a different account at the time and attempted to join as I always had. I have no proof of anything as it was a long time ago, I apologize for wasting your time. Have a goodnight! 

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Granted you were banned in 2022 but during your tenure on the server you did accumulate a significant amount of bans, if you wish to return you'd need to fully read and comprehend the https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/ and be aware that receiving a re-offending ban at any point after your unban can be made permanent again.



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For the record, I never had read the rules originally so that probably checks out. I'll be sure to read them before joining the server! 🙂

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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