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Ban Appeal Never Took Effect

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Got perma banned, appealed perma ban, appeal was approved, never got unbanned. Please fix.


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Ok all ban appeals require you to fill out the following format:

Your appeal was accepted originally (4 years ago) and the ban was reduced to 1 month, you then attempted to join on alt account and the ban was re-extended to permanent automatically.



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I in fact did not attempt to join on an alt account. As I previously stated, and still stand by, my brother, who is very much a real person attempted to join the server on his account using GeForce Now and it flagged and perma banned both of us. If you would like to speak to both of us directly in a Discord call to verify the validity of these claims that can be arranged.

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There's no need, the ban was 4 years ago, even if you did alt I'd think you are overdue for a second chance. Simply don't have someone in the household join while the other is banned. 


Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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