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ExodusMal's Ban Appeal

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Your Character or Steam Name: ExodusMal

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:560310320

Your Discord ID#: 851958288773152799

Reason for ban: "Freak" (ill explain below)

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned? I want to start off by saying I apologize for any inaccuracies, this all occurred a long while ago and so my memory of it isn't the best. Essentially what had happened was I was talking to a friend about something random one day and they randomly sent me a picture of some guy and claimed it was Pendred. I didn't believe him and in the process of trying to prove him wrong, I decided to be extra about it and went ahead and asked a couple people if they knew if the photo was actually him or not. To be completely honest, I have no recollection as to why I even went asked around, it was unnecessary and stupid. I had absolutely no intention of invading your privacy Pendred and I apologize for making you feel as such (regardless if it was actually you or not I know what its like to have your personal info spread and it sucks) it really wasn't cool of me to do so even though you and I never saw eye to eye, it was wrong. I simply didn't consider how bad it looked and the damage it could've costed but now I see my error. On another topic, I want to point out that after getting unbanned from my first permanent ban I never once got banned again until this, or warned for that matter (from what I can remember) I was really trying to roleplay and follow the rules my second time around and the fact that I had a clean record after that proves as such. Anyway, everything aside, I would really like to come back and play on the server again thank you.

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-1 thats the owner bro he keeps ur game fun and he keeps the content up bro like he owns the shit that entertains u why would u do that to him

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-1 so glad I saw the writing on the wall and left your """faction""" when I first started, certified weirdo yapper


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I know it was wrong but my intent wasn't to cause any harm I made it clear I am sorry in my post.


to the other guy, idk who you are bro you must have me confused with someone else sorry you're so upset tho 💯

Edited by ExodusMal
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+1 i remember his chad chadderson character

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+1 never had a problem with the guy he was always cool


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+1 bro was on the server before me and i joined way back in 2021 and not once did i see him purposefully do anything like this. I remember him mentioning this exact thing to me in DMs saying that he was misunderstood and didn't mean any harm by it.

Edited by BritishBarry
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+1 Really good friend and we go way back. Genuinely apologetic and deserves an unban 😊

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+1 Hes chill, has never intenitanally broken a rule, he has made good roleplay for the server and I believe overall that he deserves an unban. 

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

Wasn't me, but you thought it was. Words aren't enough to demonstrate a change, if you're that desperate you can pay to be unbanned.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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