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ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Arth

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:177466331

Your Discord ID#: 1141830724564045894

Reason for ban: I forgot because it was a long time ago

Length of ban: Permanent 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned: I wanna start off by pointing out that I know I made a lot of mistakes on this server and I was given a lot of chances and quite frankly I don't expect to be forgiven. The other day I was going through my files and I found an old clip of me roleplaying on the server and it reminded me of how much fun I had and all the cool experiences I had and so felt the urge to come and apologize and ask for a final chance. Diverge is truly a gem of a server and I really miss playing with all my friends. The past couple of months I started getting back into roleplay servers and trying out the serious aspects of it and have been really enjoying it and realized how fun playing by the rules can be. To reiterate, I understand that I took my time on this server for granted but I'm asking for a final chance to experience Diverge how it's intended by following the rules. I know that we already talked in the past and you said the only way for me to get unbanned is through payment but even though I wish I could I really don't have the money to shell out so that's why I'm asking for an alternative way. I'm not going to drag this and write a ten page apology as I don't want to inconvenience the staff any more than I already have. I'm simply here to apologize and and express how much fun I had on this server and my desire to experience it again properly this time.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted. Very Thin ice, its been over a year is the only reason you are being allowed back, don't take this for granted. 

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

Edited by Boomroasted
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