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Bats PK


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Name of Character: Billy "Bats" Cozenza

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:112229598

Your Discord ID#:254413607087898624

Date of PK: 12/16/24

Reason for PK: Shooting a Cop.

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: In the clip it shows that I wasn't given any time to react to the officers statement of put your hands up as the Probie immediately shoots me before i can react. At 4 seconds you can see the detective is midway through his sentence telling me to put my gun down when the Probie opens fire. During this fight I was aiming after a punch minge who was attacking my friends as well as hit me several times so I pulled out my gun. I was not even facing probie who then gives me no time to react as he immediately shoots me as the detective is mid sentence telling me to surrender.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
Just balling with this one don't think it'll be accepted

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Hi, PKing administrator here. I had received confirmation from another administrator that you should have been PK'd for the simple reason of you not putting your gun on safety. You had a solid 4 seconds to put the gun away, yet you didnt. Unfortunately, I believe this is a valid PK. However, I do agree that you were not given enough time to put your gun away.


Hope this helps.

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While this may be a valid kill, it is not a valid PK. It is clear in the clip that you had no intent of starting a violent confrontation with the police, you were only ever aimed at and intended to kill the civilian. While the cops rightfully killed you to protect them, they started the direct violent conflict with you.

Your appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

Your character has been reinstated and can be used again.

Edited by Byte
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