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Nexer's Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Nexer (Jack M'Coy, Richard Holdsworth, and Arthur Lionhead)

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:468234700

Your Discord ID#: casual_on

Reason for ban: Requested by myself.

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology/burying the hatchet

Why should you be unbanned?

First off I want to state that I performed no extrinsic actions that broke server rules to result in myself being permanently banned from the server. I requested and was granted a permanent ban because I had grown sad and tired with circumstances that prevented me from finding any reasonable enjoyment with the server. The fact that I have a permanent ban does not mean that I was a minge or that I was unable to make an actual contribution to roleplay and thus to the community as a whole. On the contrary I'd argue that I at least contributed directly to the effects of roleplay on the server. I won't go into detail about these roleplay contributions, but I will summarize that most of these contributions were in the area of politics and law. When I first entered the server as a fresh white shirt I had no intention to pursue the political or legal roleplay that existed at the time. I did what all other white shirts did when entering the city for the first time, I farmed weed and later joined a faction. At first being in a faction was fun on some days, but also boring on others because of the grinding nature in money making that was associated with the criminal life. This type of incessant work made me realize that this type of roleplay wasn't for me so I decided to go into city politics. The roleplay was fun and rewarding since it had the nature of solving one problem after another to achieve victory. This factor along with later acquired knowledge from connections about diverge's full fledged legal system led me to take the BAR and proceed into legal roleplay. All of this background is for me to show that I fully maintained with the legal side of diverge roleplay instead of the mostly illegal side. However, I was a person who made few friends and many enemies as a result of the nature of my roleplay in the legal side. Soon enough I was pretty much a persona non grata partly because of the result of poor decisions on my part, but also partly because I never knew when to quit. I never knew when to bury the hatchet and move on to the next page within the game because I had to much pride in myself to do so. Not all of my stubbornness was based on pride, some of it was based on a legitimate concern for rectifying injustices which unfortunately resulted in the hatchet being visible for all in the community to see. However, overtime this hatchet left me little to no enjoyment in the game mode that I found a certain type of creative happiness in. This lack of enjoyment turned into sadness and anxiety which made me decide to quit diverge for good and to see if I can find a way to humble myself again and return in the future. I believe that time, especially during Christmas time, has come and I would like to demonstrate my humility by stating the following conditions that I would place on myself if unbanned:

1. I will attempt to branch out more to other aspects of roleplay other than just the legal or political side.

2. I will attempt to give back to the community by providing my legal knowledge and experience that I have obtained in an educative and formative role through informal means.

3. I will not enter the city for the first 90 days if my permanent ban is removed so that I may dedicate that time to burying the hatchet amongst the community members.

I thank you for your time in reading this appeal and I look forward to your response in the coming days.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

One overt example of how I directly contributed to the community's legal roleplay:

1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1geKb7S7DLpy6jOCyMrXXyK6jsoMEEl1h3_GXlLSFZ-0/edit?tab=t.0

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