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Pet Appeal


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Your Name: Sean Oompa Goldman 

SteamID:  76561198980521712

Staff Member involved: Falcon I think 

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Props tool gun physics gun

Reason for blacklist (if given): Well, I apparently been given notes and warnings in the past which I can only recall three of them 
which was a bridge to the barge, spawned lights in businesses, and hiding inside a prop during a mug, which i was joking around with the muggers and i deleted the props afterwards

Well, not to long ago my processor phased through the wall so I put a prop over it so it wouldn't phase through the wall again and this has happen multiple times hence why I put a prop over it, and since I was afk i went head just hopped in as I went to go drop off my little brother at school and when i returned my props were taken away 

Why should they be returned?: I was unfamiliar with the rules and I have been doing this a couple of times and not once was given a warning or even a sit about it so I assumed it was okay I had asked other players and admins they said it was fine as long as during a mug i remove it which I have in the past so I just never looked into the rules as much about it i just know you can not prop block doors thats all 
 Another reason is that I build a lot for my factions and I sell dupes to other factions or just give them out for free for discounts on items so i need my props to make a profit out of it and make builds for other players 

Ill look into the rules further

Edited by Rommel
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Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.

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