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Pk Appeal


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Name of Character: Ledoo Giattino

Steam ID:  BigJess255

Discord ID: noname11028

Date of Pk: 11/12/2024

Reason for Pk: Don's orders.

I should be un pk'd because I have not looked or talked to a boss in a disrespectful way and when I was pk'd I was just standing on the street afk. I don't know if the pk broke any ru;es but there was no reasoning behind it.


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An Order from the Don or one of his most trusted command of the Crime family you were associated with placed an order on you to be PKd. The reason was for:


"Bringing too much heat to this thing of ours"


If I were to guess, you were seen causing too much attention and attracting the police by the family. Each time you join a faction a window will pop up essentially telling you like "hey, you're literally joining the life of a crime family, don't be dumb dumb or you're gonna get pop popped". Now; I'm not calling you dumb. I have not witnessed what you did, but that is generally the jist of what that window says when you sign up to be associated with a mob.

Edited by Falcon
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Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

When joining a criminal faction, you are prompted with a pop up that explains you may be PK'd at the discretion of the Don of the crime family. Looking through logs you did interact with the faction vendor and were included in the drug operations. 

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by Boomroasted
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