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rdm ban appeal killingbot5000


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Your Character or Steam Name: jiang wingjing / killingbot5000

Your SteamID :76561198066136365

Your Discord ID#:xijinping2024

Reason for ban: RDM

Length of ban: 3 days 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned? I owned townhouse #1 and a man approached my doorstep to which i told him to leave, to which his response was to stand and stare then strafe back and fourth. multiple others had also come up to my doorstep and had to be told to leave previous to this event. I apologize for killing him, and I understand I only gave 1 or 2 warnings, but I did give time to react, and I feel this ban was applied wrongly according to rule #4 of the killing rules. Next time I will make sure to give ample warning and make it very clear.

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Hi, banning administrator here. The reason i banned you was you had 2 other PO's for RDM, and because the fact you had warned him in a short time span, which was about 10 seconds (according to the person that reported you) He wasnt doing anything to you to justify you shooting him. Like i said in the sit, I suggest you read over escalation rules HERE, and watch over THIS quick video showing what you can and cannot shoot someone for. You did not follow escalation rules properly, like i said, please read over our rules to ensure nothing like this happens again.


Hope this helps. 👋

Edited by Jmoorsey
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why was my appeal reviewed by the same mod who banned me? how does this make sense 


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31 minutes ago, killingbot5000 said:

why was my appeal reviewed by the same mod who banned me? how does this make sense 


hes giving his side of the story, hes not denying or approving the appeal! hope this helped!!

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While you may have been frustrated from others being there prior and while he may have been annoying you, as jmoorsey pointed out there is proper rules for escalating situation such as this in a way that are not deemed as RDM. Due to this and your POs, this ban and time will stand as such. I hope you take this time to brush up on the rules of our server as you have already RDMd multiple times now.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by Byte
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