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Banned for having a hand spasm


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Character Name: Izumi YamaRyu

SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070696589/

Discord ID#: Ruppert2222

Reason for ban: Global rule 1

Length of ban: Permanent 

Reason for appeal: Dispute

Why should you be unbanned? First off, I want to thank staff for giving me a chance to show how shit my mouse skills are. I don't have hacks, cheats, exploits, aimbot, etc. I've never had them, I don't even know where to get them, I recently only just got a crosshair that a friend had to show me how to get and use. I would have liked a chance to talk about things before I was banned, I heard through the grape vine the admins were calling each other schizoids over this in dms so I like to extend a thank you to staff involved in banning me for making me write a ban appeal instead of talking with me first whoever you are. I've been here for a while so thank you for giving me the benefit of a doubt.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

  • I was AFK at the park ATM between the motel and casino. I heard someone tying me (fail mug in front of an atm) and I jumped quickly tabbing back into my game, I backed up and pulled out my weapon and hip fired, at this point I was startled because I'm wearing a lot of expensive items, and I had a hand spasm. I'm currently gaming on my TV so I'm sitting in an older leather chair that doesn't work well with my mouse sensitivity, so I had it set at 100% and the situation caused my hand to jump significantly 


  • From my understanding you need more than a skeptical video to ban someone over this and should have looked into the server logs and code for more info. I've spoken to someone who's said you look into the code on the server and see I'm not cheating, please correct me if I'm wrong.


  • My mouse is sitting on the armrest of an older leather chair with no mousepad, this works for me when I have my sensitivity upped to 100% which is not ideal for pvp but I don't pvp I only RP.

Here's a video proving I have 100% sensitivity (skip to end):



  • I was never given a chance to explain myself further I was instantly banned. Here's the clip of me being banned:


  • Here's the clip of the alleged aimbot. Please take you time to slow it down, if you want to download it and go frame by frame, please feel free to do so:


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Why was your sensitivity so high in the first place??

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  On 11/30/2024 at 5:20 AM, Jmoorsey said:

Why was your sensitivity so high in the first place??


No mouse pad. I did have one of those nice ones that go over the whole desk but I hooked my PC up to my TV and I don't have a smaller one rn.


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correct me if im wrong but wouldnt it of locked in on the dude in the american flag suit? 

Edited by GlamourPunk
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Heres a ban Analysis i quickly made proving why sushi isnt hacking

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I'll actually break it down why its a aim bot you're using. As you can very clearly see in the clip the person you're shooting walks behind the pole. This makes it so they're no longer in your "aim bots" view as I can tell you have it on so it only shoots at someone besides their head as seen from the clip. Since that body part can no longer be seen by your aim bot it auto locks onto the next person as seen in the clip. This clearly isn't just "high mouse sens". It very clearly goes to the next person. 

Edited by chad
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  On 11/30/2024 at 5:51 AM, chad said:

I'll actually break it down why its a aim bot you're using. As you can very clearly see in the clip the person you're shooting walks behind the pole. This makes it so they're no longer in your "aim bots" view as I can tell you have it on so it only shoots at someone chest/stomach as seen from the clip. Since that body part can no longer be seen by your aim bot it auto locks onto the next person as seen in the clip. This clearly isn't just "high mouse sens". It very clearly goes to the next person. 


You should actually read everything I said before jumping to conclusions it would have locked onto the person next to the atm before it would lock onto someone who was further to the right. Maybe you should think about what you're going to say before you comment on someone's ban appeal. Also if you slowed the video down like I suggested you would see he didn't even go half way behind the pole before my hand spazed out.


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  On 11/30/2024 at 5:51 AM, chad said:

I'll actually break it down why its a aim bot you're using. As you can very clearly see in the clip the person you're shooting walks behind the pole. This makes it so they're no longer in your "aim bots" view as I can tell you have it on so it only shoots at someone besides their head as seen from the clip. Since that body part can no longer be seen by your aim bot it auto locks onto the next person as seen in the clip. This clearly isn't just "high mouse sens". It very clearly goes to the next person. 


Soooo we are gonna listen to a guy with people commenting on your profile that you cheat on garrys mod and plus you have a vac ban

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  On 11/30/2024 at 5:22 AM, Izumi said:

No mouse pad. I did have one of those nice ones that go over the whole desk but I hooked my PC up to my TV and I don't have a smaller one rn.



i dont use a mouse pad either and I do NOT use sensitivity like that


anyways, le exdee, youve been slammed. Not surprised.

Points to you HAVING an aimbot
1. The whole "bro aimbots always lock onto heads" argument has been irrelevant for years upon years, you can set an aimbot to hit anywhere on the player, a lot of cheaters in fact set their aimbot to hit limbs/center mass to avoid being instantly clocked for hitting nothing but 3 point headshots.

2. Human aim, even on SUPER high sens, has micro-corrections. Over and under-corrections can be shown frame by frame in human aim showing that it is in fact a human aiming, rather than aimlock.

3. There was literally no reason for your aim to be like that, you say you had a hand spasm, I have had muscle spasms and crazy shit while playing FPS games, I have not once had an immediate flick that ended precisely on someone and had no micro-movements. Ever. I have never even seen that.

4. It looks a lot like your typical toggling situation, where you pressed your aimlock as the guy was walking away and bang.


Points to you NOT having an aimbot

1. The mouse movement is significantly less instant than your typical aim lock, though some bots, admittedly, are like that. They are rare to see, though.

2. Realistically, your typical aimbot would PROBABLY lock onto the closest individual to your crosshair. The black dude is not that, as he would be behind a wall in this moment, which makes it so that any aimbot would avoid locking on to him. So, that begs the question, why did it not lock onto the american flag suit dude?

3. Someone with aim as fucking awful as yours would TYPICALLY have an aimbot on at all times. This doesn't look like that. This looks like a toggle, and a shit tier one at that.

4. Looking through your old clips, I see other instances of weird ass mouse behavior, but not in situations where it would be an aimbot, such as in one clip you going from looking at a dude next to you to instantly staring at the floor for no reason.

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why would aimbot target arm is bad excuse

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  On 11/30/2024 at 6:14 AM, Mr Skibidi said:

Soooo we are gonna listen to a guy with people commenting on your profile that you cheat on garrys mod and plus you have a vac ban


yeah i cheat thats how i know its aimbot 


Edited by chad
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  On 11/30/2024 at 5:42 AM, Mr Skibidi said:

Heres a ban Analysis i quickly made proving why sushi isnt hacking


This is an example of people not knowing how hacks work!!


Aimbot is TOGGLED!!! it is activated via a HOTKEY!! 

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  On 11/30/2024 at 6:21 AM, Jmoorsey said:

This is an example of people not knowing how hacks work!!


Aimbot is TOGGLED!!! it is activated via a HOTKEY!! 


no it auto matic

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  On 11/30/2024 at 6:22 AM, handsome said:

no it auto matic


This guy has never cheated in Garry's Mod 🙄

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  On 11/30/2024 at 6:24 AM, Jmoorsey said:

This guy has never cheated in Garry's Mod 🙄


why didnt he shoot guy sitting down or guy atm

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  On 11/30/2024 at 5:42 AM, Mr Skibidi said:

Heres a ban Analysis i quickly made proving why sushi isnt hacking


What is this argument about locking onto body parts? Every good cheat allows you to toggle what to lock on to, not just head shots only

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🇮🇱 ✡️ 100% Deserved  To Be Unbanned. Kosher CERTIFIED 🇮🇱🇮🇱
As an Aim Bot User i can confirm that is not aimbot.
As the owner of this femboy, he is too dumb to download aim bot. he cant even play HOI4. 
 lenny_aimsnap 1
lenny_aimsnap_target_players 1
lenny_aimsnap_target_npcs 1
lenny_aimsnap_target_friends 1
bind mouse3 lenny_aimsnap_snap 

-Charlie Budweiser-

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im just curious if the server picked up if he was using aimbot or not, that video is funny how he moves but it proves nothing realistically cause ik he does has hand issues irl. Id like to assume staff hopefully looked into this before jumping to a perma ban, if not and then also not taking him to a sit and just banning him would be a shitty and lazy thing to do.


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 lenny_darkrpgod 1 = BROKEN just spams chat with /buyhealth unless your server has /buyhealth then this command is useless

lenny_ents = Entity Finder, shows a list of what is detected but I don't think it works...

lenny_friends 1 = Add friends so then lenny_aimsnap_target_friends 1 doesn't apply (not 100% sure)

lenny_flashlightspam 1 = Spams flashlight and is annoying

lenny_fov = Set your feild of view

lenny_info = posts Lenny's steam id

lenny_menu = broken menu

lenny_namechange = changes name so you don't get caught 😉 (bind this to a key)

lenny_norecoil 1 = no recoil for hl2 weapons (no effect on m9k)

lenny_pkill = shoots prop out to kill other players (bind this to a key)

lenny_printstaff = see all of the staff members on the server

lenny_rapidfire 1 = rapid fires leftclick

lenny_reload = reloads the scripts

lenny_spam = spams message in chat

lenny_triggerbot 1 = auto fires when looking at players / npcs / friends

lenny_tttpkill = prop kills on ttt (I don't know how to use it)


  On 11/30/2024 at 6:58 AM, CharlieBudweiser said:

 lenny_darkrpgod 1 = BROKEN just spams chat with /buyhealth unless your server has /buyhealth then this command is useless

lenny_ents = Entity Finder, shows a list of what is detected but I don't think it works...

lenny_friends 1 = Add friends so then lenny_aimsnap_target_friends 1 doesn't apply (not 100% sure)

lenny_flashlightspam 1 = Spams flashlight and is annoying

lenny_fov = Set your feild of view

lenny_info = posts Lenny's steam id

lenny_menu = broken menu

lenny_namechange = changes name so you don't get caught 😉 (bind this to a key)

lenny_norecoil 1 = no recoil for hl2 weapons (no effect on m9k)

lenny_pkill = shoots prop out to kill other players (bind this to a key)

lenny_printstaff = see all of the staff members on the server

lenny_rapidfire 1 = rapid fires leftclick

lenny_reload = reloads the scripts

lenny_spam = spams message in chat

lenny_triggerbot 1 = auto fires when looking at players / npcs / friends

lenny_tttpkill = prop kills on ttt (I don't know how to use it)


my aimbot of course cmon now ✡️


i mean like tbh, just need some lady boys to help massage my neck flaps


i volunteer as tribute, perm ban me instead, so i can pay another  250 to get unbanned 

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Anyways besides for my shitty video staff should have atleast taken the proper care to contact him ic about it then just banning him i know monoclu has a huge fat fucking boner out for him but like come on take your time blue ball yourself edge instead of just straight gooning.





sincerely Mr. Skibidi

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Can we please not muck up my appeal and keep things professional nobody needs to comment here unless you're involved this is ridiculous.

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  On 11/30/2024 at 7:07 AM, Mr Skibidi said:

contact him ic about it



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I've shown proof that my mouse sensitivity is at 100% and my courser went to someone who was farther away than the nearest person, to me this is cut and dry, call it a hand spasm, twitch, wrist flick, shaky hands (which I do have), whatever you want, it can easily happen with a maxed-out sensitivity. This appeal has delved into an unnecessary debate on who knows more about hacking and retardation.

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Edited by Faith
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  On 11/30/2024 at 11:40 AM, Faith said:

also, why would the "aimbot" lock onto a leg, then arm, then torso. no cheats do that



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