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Daviss' Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Daviss

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:62247713

Your Discord ID#: davis3

Reason for ban: MVDM | NITRP

Length of ban: 4 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned? In my two years of playing Diverge Networks, I have never been banned till now. I think everyone has made mistakes on the server and I was under the false impression of this situation being a no harm no foul. I never intended to kill anyone just take them on a little joyride in the bed of my truck. I never mugged, restrained, or truly attempted to kill anyone. It was mainly my friend and I just joking around trying to mess with our friends on other characters to create some funny rp scenarios. Obviously, things got out of hand where we messed with some randoms, and it got taken a little too far. I won't ever do this again and I apologize to anyone whose roleplay experience I ruined. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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it was pretty funny seeing yall stuff people in the back of your truck

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Hello Daviss, banning admin here.

I banned you and your friend for MVDM and NITRP because you were running people over on alt chars with mingey names to "kidnap" them, and if you want to use the "In my two years of playing Diverge Networks, I have never been banned till now." I'd assume if you have played this server for two whole years, as well as been staff you'd know what you did is wrong and against the rules.  I wouldn't be against maybe shortening it by a day or two but I think I was more than fair considering how many people you ran over.

I counted how many people you and your buddy ran over and it was 6 people for your friend and, around 10 for you, logically even if you have a clean record which you did it would still be a ban for how many people you ran over, it was clear as day you had the intentions to do what you did.

Consider reading the rules over to prevent this from ever happening again 


Edited by Bullets
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  On 11/28/2024 at 6:11 AM, Bullets said:

Hello Daviss, banning admin here.

I banned you and your friend for MVDM and NITRP because you were running people over on alt chars with mingey names to "kidnap" them, and if you want to use the "In my two years of playing Diverge Networks, I have never been banned till now." I'd assume if you have played this server for two whole years, as well as been staff you'd know what you did is wrong and against the rules.  I wouldn't be against maybe shortening it by a day or two but I think I was more than fair considering how many people you ran over.

I counted how many people you and your people ran over and it was 6 people for your friend and, around 10 for you, logically even if you have a clean record which you did it would still be a ban for how many people you ran over, it was clear as day you had the intentions to do what you did.


I admit where I was wrong, I was just caught up having a funny moment with some friends and it got a little out of hand. I never meant to actually vdm anyone and I didn’t think i had no intention to rp as I was trying to play my “character” in a sort of funny way. But I can assure you I won’t ever do something like this again.


Also I don’t have a clip but a couple of those people I “ran over” was from a black car chasing me pushing me into them 

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While yes, you were mainly in the wrong, you have such a clean record and the whole Mass VDM was not intentional nor was it targeting a group or people etc... You were being a little silly and no one stopped you until then. There were mainly two clips provided, in which wasn't proving intentional ruining of others roleplay experiences. Wrong place, wrong time, and you got a little out of hand is all.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 1 day.

Edited by anzati1
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