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Johnny Boy Jones Appealing Ban Appeal

Johnny Boy Jones

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Your Character or Steam Name: Johnny Boy Jones

Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1237987157495/

Reason for ban: Discord Spam/RDM

Length of ban: Indefinite 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute appeal

Why should you be unbanned? @Canadian-bacon I understand the ban is reasonable/justified but no where in my appeal did I say that the ban wasn't justified nor did I try and argue this as a point. 

I apologized and asked if I can be unbanned, could you elaborate on how/why you came to this conclusion because from where I stand it looks like you have just given *GENERIC DENY RESPONSE #151* and called it day.



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Basically what 'm asking what I can do in the future to make sure my next appeal is successful (which I do not believe is unreasonable to ask). 


The kitten I mentioned in the orginal appeal would also like to know the reasoning behind why you denied me because he is really upset. 


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+1 seems like a good guy he never said that duh[

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You also told me to look over the server rules to which I found nothing that might help me find out why my appeal was denied/what I did wrong in my original appeal. 


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Your appeal are simply not serious and it's clear you need to spend more time banned to understand that, re-appeal in a few weeks, and try not to make a joke of it. Thanks.

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