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ban appeal


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Your Character name : Victor Savelli

Your SteamID : STEAM_0:1:633489385

Your Discord ID#: 1204245064889536623

Reason for ban: MVDM | NITRP

Length of ban: 1 week

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute and apology

Why should you be unbanned? i wouldn't say i should be unbanned because i take responsibility to the MVDM. although the NITRP, i wouldn't say that i had no intent to roleplay because i joined the server on the 20th of this month and have made connections and learned some of the ropes of mafia rp and i really enjoy it, the day of my ban i was driving by the corner of  little Italy and kiwi kola, and there was another guy in a blue SUV running over a big group of cops and as i driving away he followed, then i procced to go to the car dealership to change my car, the dude who was in the blue SUV then asked me to follow him and run over the group of cops on the street, i asked him if it was a rule and he said no, i admit i ran over a group of people and that isn't justifiable so i apologized i then ran over the group for the first time once then i drive away, in this time the dude in the blue SUV was switching his cars into a black SUV and a blue car like a old mustang, we proceeds to run them over keep in mind 15 minutes go by and hes still doing it, i proceed to leave Chinatown and to go the police station cause there was word that a buddy of mine got arrested and there was the guy running over everyone still even Tho i let the area and picked up my oil shipment then proceed to wait for my buddy to get out of prison but in the process the dude who was running the cops over hit my car so i tried to hit him back which caused me to run over the massive group of cops who could handle the other guy running them over, by this time i got pulled into a sit by bullet who said i MVDM but when i asked if it was a rule my cloud streaming service crashed so i got sent back to my shit pc that i stream on to play games on shadow pc i loaded my stream back up and boom was banned for MVDM | NITRP | BULLET, keep in mind that i have a friends playing the server and i asked if the other guy got banned to and he didn't i asked my friend to make a sit and ask why that was the case cause the dude never stopped when i was away for some time before coming back to the area, and all they told my friend was that they had logs, and my friend asked "so the logs are only showing my buddy" then he got returned, ive staffed for servers before and know i wasn't the only one show in the logs for that because the dude in the blue and black cars never stopped running them over which is why i put dispute / apology i know i shouldn't be unbanned because yes i did mvdm and take responsibility to it even tho the dude told me it wasn't a rule all I'm asking if my ban could be shorted rather than it being 1 week , i do wanna apologize to those i effected during that situation and make this post as well to show i have learned from my mistakes during the time and will proceed more cation than before with situations like that.
thank you to whoever takes the time to read my appeal and respond 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): n\a

Edited by Wraithv2
fixes and a few tweaks thanks
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Hello, I'm the person who banned you.

As you said "i take responsibility to the MVDM." so that is out of the way, I added NITRP because you non-stop ran a group over for 5-7 minutes straight, 
There was no intention to RP. (CLIP - he was the one in the pink vehicle. I was clearly having connectivity issues, but it's obvious he was trying to run everybody over.)

I do admit, I was a little harsh with the 1 week ban, but that was decided when you were playing dumb in the sit acting like you didn't know that VDM was against the rules when you had a note for it from a day prior. 

I am not against a shortened ban, but I feel I was correct about why you were banned.

Edited by Bullets
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1 hour ago, Bullets said:

Hello, I'm the person who banned you.

As you said "i take responsibility to the MVDM." so that is out of the way, I added NITRP because you non-stop ran a group over for 5-7 minutes straight, 
There was no intention to RP. (CLIP - he was the one in the pink vehicle. I was clearly having connectivity issues, but it's obvious he was trying to run everybody over.)

I do admit, I was a little harsh with the 1 week ban, but that was decided when you were playing dumb in the sit acting like you didn't know that VDM was against the rules when you had a note for it from a day prior. 

I am not against a shortened ban, but I feel I was correct about why you were banned.

I understand what I said abt vdm this isn’t a excuse, tho this is the first rp server I’ve played on gmod with vehicles  other than mrp, and the note u seen I never new abt which makes sense cause it’s a not if I was pulled during the note at the time this probably would of been prevent if so , this was my first report on me which i agree u did handle correctly 

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Read: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/

Since it's your first ban this will be reduced to 2 days.

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