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Pk Appeal of Chistopher Bane

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Name of Character: Christopher Bane


Your Discord ID#:1046278681460494407

Date of PK: Reported on 10/10/24

Reason for PK: Getting mugged while unarmed??? But then sending a rumor saying that I was robbed by Necodemus Spencer.

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be un pk'd because this was an honest mistake, at the time I did not know "getting sent to the hospital", was actually dying. So, I let out a rumor that said, "robbed at ghetto room 2." I did not say the name, just where the location was. The rule that was somehow broken I believe is not acting like I forgot getting robbed. Or maybe getting shot??? I mean, I do not know. My family, the owners of Habibi's are nice folk. But I was not told that putting out a rumor after dying was an instant pk. I am a loyal member of the group, and I am also a donator. Although what was done was wrong, I seek to get one more chance, and with that I will also completely read the rules. Sincerely, Sam.

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Hello PK'ing Administrator here! While yes you technically broke NLR by making those Underground Advertisements that was not the main reasoning behind the PK, breaking NLR is not a reason for PK, while you could've been warned for it, the gentleman was not reporting you for NLR so I did not see any reason to warn you for NLR. The reason you were PK'd was because you had broke FearRP, once you handed the money over you were ordered to put your hands up, instead you made an attempt to flee to the door, which was when the FearRP was broken, and you continued to not comply with the mans orders, resulting in your untimely death.

Clip provided.

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So unfortunately you did not comply with the person mugging you. They pulled a gun told you some orders to which you did not follow and you kept running around. If you are being mugged do not freak out, just take it and try to seek revenge later, not in the moment.


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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