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Ban Appeal: Growth and Reformed


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Your Character or Steam Name: Nexius

Your SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198075382409/

Your Discord ID#:  Will O' Beam#5561

Reason for ban:   Violation of Global Rule13 and Alting

Length of ban: Perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): 

I have had many months and plenty of time to reflect on my unfavorable behavior and actions. Initially, I was banned for a month because I decided, in bad judgment, to make an insensitive joke/comment to an arresting officer that I would kill myself if I were to be “Pked”. I will admit that I indeed broke a rule that fully deserved my month ban. I would like to apologize to the officer/player. My intentions while playing were to create a fun and enjoyable experience for my fellow players and my comment didn’t accomplish that. I apologize for making you/the player uncomfortable and impeding on your game. I realize the gravity of my terrible joke, and that it is and can be triggering and offensive to many people. Suicide is not suitable material to joke about and is a very serious and very important topic. I respect the rules and do my very best to be respectful of the server and I hope my mistake does not diminish my efforts. After making this mistake, I decided to dig an even deeper hole for myself. I used my brother’s account to enter the server, resulting in a permanent ban on my accounts. I am fully aware of the consequences of doing so and I would like to apologize for disrespecting my fellow players and Divergent staff. It has been months since both incidents occurred and I would love a second chance to play the experience. I understand the seriousness of the rule violations, and I am aware that they are in place for a reason and are important to the community. I have made great progress in real life. I quit drinking, which has helped me mentally and physically. I mention this because I would drink too much and play, which has led to a lot of the bad decisions and interactions. I corrected that behavior to be a better person in real life and in the gaming world. I sincerely apologize and appreciate all the community and staff. I am aware of the consequences of my actions and I will understand If it cannot be forgiven. This server is the only game I play and it genuinely helps me escape my stress and I love making friends and memories. I haven’t turned on my computer since the ban started. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal, and once again, I am deeply sorry. 

Why should you be unbanned? 

I am remorseful and I did some much needed introspection to allow myself to grow. I hold myself accountable for my decisions and actions. As previously stated, I quit drinking alcohol to help foster and improve my relationships within the real world and gaming community. I love the server and its community purely. It's the only game I play and I miss the people and memories. Despite my lack of awareness and my terrible decisions, I am a positive player and I don’t want my mistakes to highlight my character. I have been banned for many months and learned a valuable lesson. I turned a month ban into a permanent one. However, I am grateful for the extension because it allowed me to learn the severity of my actions and gave me an opportunity to improve myself. I am grateful for the time I have had on the server and would love to come back better. Thank you!

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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when were u banned  +/- heard bad things  but u seem good in the heart

Edited by handsome
told by i forget his name he wasnt truthful
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Hi, original banning admin here! Your initial ban was originally just for Global Rule 13 - Extreme Threats. This was after a series of events transpired that night I was given a report of you making claims of self harm and was given this clip. This usually would not be a cause for concern, but as I said this was a repeated pattern on this night. While I am sympathetic to the emotional duress you were feeling that night while under the influence and with how you were feeling while grief stricken, this a Garry's Mod server. This is not the place to spend hours trauma dumping then proceeding to make threat against your own life. That was the cause of your initial ban, it was then extended to a permanent ban twice more due to you attempting to ban evade and join the server on two subsequent alt accounts that were also permanently banned by the console automatically. The steam IDs of your ban alts are STEAM_0:0:213862737 and STEAM_0:1:914316594. While discussion of your alts is not my scope to discuss, your repeated attempts to ban evade joined with how the server made you feel emotionally, I do not see it being a good fit for you to return to the server at this time.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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