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Name of Character: Micheal bob


Your Discord ID#:chxnge8515

Date of PK:10/5/24

Reason for PK:i have no clue i came back from being afk and the admin had pked me im guessing i dont know tho i wasnt there when it happened i was sitting on a couch in bank the last time i was there but i had died to something
Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: i didnt really get to defend myself or know what the reason was for if i could defend myself from the pk i will do so i have clips of a lot of stuff that happened i just want to know what happened

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: u can dm me chxnge8515 i have clips of what u might need

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Hello, I'm the admin who oversaw your pk.

You were pk'd by Don's orders.

When you join a criminal faction you are shown a prompt that says you can be permanently killed under orders from your Boss if you break the family rules or step out of line. You agree to the terms when you click accept. :

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You were killed because we had been given numerous reports that you had been mugging and scamming various people.

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As stated earlier when you join a criminal faction they can kill you at any point if they feel you've broken their faction rules. In this case, faction leadership had issued orders on you after receiving evidence of you breaking their rules around mugging and scamming other members of the community.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

Edited by Byte
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