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VIIIIllllIlllII Ban Reconsideration

Igor Relsko

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Character name: Igor Relsko

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:457993079

Discord ID: viiilli

Reason for ban: VDM

Length of ban: 24 hours

Reason for appeal: The banning admin said that me hitting him was not the issue, the issue was me trying to pull to the right instead of stopping in the street and getting out which would've resulted in me getting hit the same exact way that I hit that guy for the same reason.  I of course would NOT intentionally run him over to kill him as the VDM ban states i did, especially when I received my first ever ban, not only was it on this server but it was in my GMOD as a whole, only just a couple hours prior to this incident, which would even furthermore plead my case of not doing this intentionally to risk another ban back to back. 


Why should i be unbanned:  In the past 7 days I've played this server, I have accumulated almost 3 days of serious RP gameplay with no mishaps.  I hope that this ban is taken into consideration as this is the only GMOD server I enjoy and dedicate time to and I would hate to have this on my record especially when it wasn't something I intentionally did, nor show a track record of ever repeating again. 


 Clip link as it did not allow me to upload the file itself without error: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/iMpVZNHSuDXGN9W7N/d1337RpGb4J8?invite=cr-MSxicUssMjI4ODk2NDMzLA


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Hi, banning admin here! As explained to you when you DM’d me, the issue was not you getting him initially, it was you continuing to turn to run him over enough to get stuck on him and killing him. This situation with your already very recent history of the same offense, I had originally opted to issue the one day ban for you take a change to better understand the rules on our server. However, after speaking with you in DMs, I can see you are genuinely apologetic and wish to continue to improve your behavior and enjoy your time RPing in our city. With that being said I will recommend the ban be lifted. 

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After seeing what the banning admin has said, after speaking to him, and viewing the clip myself, it's blatantly clear that you are apologetic for doing what you had done. While this whole ordeal may have been unintentional on your part there were ways you could have easily avoided this. I hope you recognize those things so this can avoided in the future. 

Overall all things considered I see no reason why you should not be granted some leniency.

Have a good day.

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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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