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why do i even need to make this


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Your Character or Steam Name: pooper scooper dooper trooper

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:521736027

Your Discord ID#: 743920338118901890

Reason for ban: MRDM???

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I killed one guy, which isnt even MRDM, and it was his word against mine

Why should you be unbanned?
There was no clip to prove what happened, I explained what happened to the administrator, in which his response was bringing 5-6 people who admitted that I didn't kill them, and the one dude that I killed said that he didn't care, and that I shouldn't receive punishment. Basically what happened was, I was in an exotic car that I stole, and it stalled because I suck at driving, I went to floor it into reverse, and it took off and hit a crowd of people, only one person dying. I told the admin that the vehicle stalled, in which his response was "vehicles don't stall on this server" and then proceeded to take the other word over mine, and then banning me from the server. Note that I only killed one dude and it's MRDM. I was legit playing on this server doing my own thing, and some admin who barely knows the rules bans me because I slipped up, I even offered to reimburse the player. No idea why a ban was even handed out.

I just came off of a perm ban, and ive been very careful the last few hours, and been roleplaying how I'm supposed to and doing my own thing. Sad to say that an admin took advantage of his power and decided to ban me for 3 days, over a very minor incident. 1 person dying is not MRDM, and the crowd of people werent even mad. They were actually laughing, even calling the admin a terrible admin and a nigg**. Nobody even cared, and I have no idea why the staff even gave a shit.
Everyone knew it was an accident.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

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Before I say my blurb, you wanna upload the clip of you actually doing it? Or should it come from my side.

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I mean if you have a clip send it, I was never aware that you had one

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Banning admin here,

Just to start because this is the line that everyone will read. I was wrong about stalling cars and I fully admit that, it is my fault. My brain was being a little slow and I was under the assumption when you said stalling, you meant "the car's engine turning off after trying to go into 1st" for example. I was unaware that your car was already heavily damaged, in which does cause the car to break down and spur out a little intentionally.

While there was no clip given to me during the sit, you offered to show it yet never uploaded it and clicked off it very quickly after I made my decision. You said it was an accident, but when the car stalls out, you can just stop holding down your shift and S key. In the very buggy clip that I've got of the screen recording, you see you come in beside the group, not hitting them, then the car stalls, then you slam it into reverse? Whys that? If a cars stalled, and you're going in a direction (what looked like going towards hardware from little italy), but instead you stopped beside the group and reversed.

Yes, it was only one kill, but you still, from my information gathered, intentionally reversed into the crowd of people, still making it mass VDM. Considering you just got off a permaban where the reason was for Mass RDM while racking up a whopping 9 notes and 10 bans. I felt that 3 days was wayyyy more than fair.
Clip in question which pauses at multiple points and has slightly ruined quality.



Also btw, I explained all of this in the sit and your excuses were "its because the car stalled". Cars stalling from being damaged too much, do not randomly slam into reverse. On the bottom right you can see the throttle guage near the end of the clip, where even after running everyone over, its still at full.

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2 hours ago, anzati1 said:

Banning admin here,

Just to start because this is the line that everyone will read. I was wrong about stalling cars and I fully admit that, it is my fault. My brain was being a little slow and I was under the assumption when you said stalling, you meant "the car's engine turning off after trying to go into 1st" for example. I was unaware that your car was already heavily damaged, in which does cause the car to break down and spur out a little intentionally.

While there was no clip given to me during the sit, you offered to show it yet never uploaded it and clicked off it very quickly after I made my decision. You said it was an accident, but when the car stalls out, you can just stop holding down your shift and S key. In the very buggy clip that I've got of the screen recording, you see you come in beside the group, not hitting them, then the car stalls, then you slam it into reverse? Whys that? If a cars stalled, and you're going in a direction (what looked like going towards hardware from little italy), but instead you stopped beside the group and reversed.

Yes, it was only one kill, but you still, from my information gathered, intentionally reversed into the crowd of people, still making it mass VDM. Considering you just got off a permaban where the reason was for Mass RDM while racking up a whopping 9 notes and 10 bans. I felt that 3 days was wayyyy more than fair.
Clip in question which pauses at multiple points and has slightly ruined quality.



Also btw, I explained all of this in the sit and your excuses were "its because the car stalled". Cars stalling from being damaged too much, do not randomly slam into reverse. On the bottom right you can see the throttle guage near the end of the clip, where even after running everyone over, its still at full.

There is no audio. Yet, I still find it hard to believe you banned me for MRDM, when only one person was killed. The engine legit stalled. If there was audio you could hear that. One person was killed from this, which would only be RDM. I didn’t intentionally slam into reverse, the engine stalled and it slew down very fast, obviously indicating a break. That car had horrible breaking + it went airborne. One person dying is not MRDM.


Another claim was wrong aswell, you claimed I never made an attempt to slow down, at the end of the clip, I blatantly slew down, holding shift and w to try to quickly slow down. The player rejected my reimbursement because you had already reimbursed him. It was a blatant accident. 



And also, you saying there was no clip during the sit, basically means you took the players word over mine. No idea why this is even up for debate. Killing one person is not MRDM.


And my final note is, is that I didn’t get banned for MRDM. I got banned for being a low quality person, and it should’ve been for NITRP. Bacon even said in his claim about my ban, i crashed out in the discord and thats why i was perm banned.

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so since i have like 3 hours left on my ban can it just get revoked

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From the video posted by Anzati, it's crystal clear you intentionally drove into those players. 

After hitting these people, you turned your car so it would run the rest of the crowd over (Note the attached image). The wheels do not change direction by hitting the curb, they only move when the driver presses the designated key(s). 


Regarding your recent ban reason, VDM is still a form of RDM as it's still a random deathmatch, just with a vehicle.



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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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