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Ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Ruzz4554

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:500648791

Your Discord ID#: TotallyNotRuzz

Reason for ban: Global Rule 2

Length of ban: Permanently

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I would like to apologize to Rem for my actions as my mistreatment of them was unnecessary. A situation like what occurred three years ago would not ever happen again as I have learned from my mistakes and taken the proper steps to improve myself. All in all, I would just like to say sorry for my actions, I was most definitely in the wrong for the way I treated you in the past Rem.

Why should you be unbanned? I believe I should be unbanned due to my change of attitude towards roleplay. In the past, I have chosen to treat others poorly and failed to roleplay, but I believe I have changed and I am willing to take the high road moving forward. That said, I feel as if it has been long enough and I have changed a great deal since my last ban. 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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Good guy, I have had contact with him and can tell he has changed.

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Appreciate it. Im sure you've changed since. Just don't be a nuisance

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Read these: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/
Take this: https://forms.gle/M1Vjd1NSEQwBmth96

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.

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