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flag appeal

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Your Name: Silly billy III


Staff Member involved:idk

What flags were blacklisted from you?:phsyh gun and tool gun

Reason for blacklist (if given):kill 3 people with phsygun

Why should they be returned?: cause it been 6  month and i deserved to have the back and i was permabanned From the server and just came back i really want to pet flags back 
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Deserve is a strong word. 


What are you going to do differently this time?

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not be a minge with the phys gun and tool gun

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On 9/22/2024 at 2:09 PM, Lucas132xx said:

not be a minge with the phys gun and tool gun

This is a very broad statement, and not very convincing. 

If you were to receive your PET flags back, what's stopping you from doing this again?

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I would like to Actually use them for faction related stuff and use them for a good roleplay and not be a minge and ruin other people experience

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If you misuse them again, they'll be removed again and your chances of having them returned are extremely slim.  

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Your flag appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The blacklist will be lifted from your account shortly.

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