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Falsely Banned


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Your Character or Steam Name: IX-Crazy-XI

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:747322032

Your Discord ID#: ix_crazy_xi

Reason for ban: RDM Bait 

Length of ban: 1 day 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute 

Why should you be unbanned? so i was at a fashion show and it was all hectic i was behind the wall playing music and then they tell me to leave apparently but i cant hear shit i walk back to the line then they tell me to leave so i leave once i left i switched chars then just go to blue lobster not brought into a sit at all just banned like wtf.

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Hello! Banning staff here. It was for another situation and you have a previous note for RDM baiting.

It was found you edited a clip to paint your situation in a more favorable light which is obviously not a good thing.


This being the clip in question. He gave a CLEAR warning to you in the full unedited clip and you persisted and event went so far as to get him banned.


The only reason this has resulted in a ban is due to your PO's and the fact you trimmed the clip.

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12 minutes ago, Youbear said:

Hello! Banning staff here. It was for another situation and you have a previous note for RDM baiting.

It was found you edited a clip to paint your situation in a more favorable light which is obviously not a good thing.


This being the clip in question. He gave a CLEAR warning to you in the full unedited clip and you persisted and event went so far as to get him banned.


The only reason this has resulted in a ban is due to your PO's and the fact you trimmed the clip.

sorry but this happened over like 5 hours ago or something and where are the warnings in his clip? he didnt have a gun out or anything. i dont see how im rdm baiting if i was i wouldnt have my gun equipped. i broke the window trying to prove a point as u can obviously see in both clips its the exact same i trimmed the clip because that is irrelevant the first part in my eyes. like if you guys want me to make my clips like 1 min long from now on i will in this situation i took to the sit the admin said its rdm no warnings what so ever. 


12 minutes ago, Youbear said:

Hello! Banning staff here. It was for another situation and you have a previous note for RDM baiting.

It was found you edited a clip to paint your situation in a more favorable light which is obviously not a good thing.


This being the clip in question. He gave a CLEAR warning to you in the full unedited clip and you persisted and event went so far as to get him banned.


The only reason this has resulted in a ban is due to your PO's and the fact you trimmed the clip.

and also could i ask why i wasn't brought to a sit? 

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With your PO's and the short cut clip, it all could've been solved by simply showing a longer clip, it seems intentionally cut. Even in both of the clips both of you are talking about how you've come back and punched them out before. It was a little unclear at first that punching windows could result in harm to a person, but when its done in a mingy way and consistently to annoy the shop owners, yes absolutely you can be punished for it by being shot/harmed/punched/killed.
Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by anzati1
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