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Im sorry Byte


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Your Character or Steam Name: Sonny "Ashwagandha" Rosenberg

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:720109735

Your Discord ID#: bigsmoke710

Reason for ban: RDM PO x4

Length of ban: 5 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology

Why should you be unbanned? Truth is I shouldnt be I just wanted to make a formal apology because you where the guy who had to witness my bad actions and I just want you to know I accept my punishment. I had decided to RDM because I have had some homies treat me in a way I feel was wrong lately and I decided to take it out on other people, I just want Byte to know I accept his decision to ban me and I probably needed a break from diverge anyway. truly though from the bottom of my heart I hope you know I love all u guys and I didnt mean to make it a bad experience or be a minge but I felt like it would be fun to take out my stress on the server that made me a little angry even though that was a retarded thing to do. Byte I hope you know you are still a homie for all the other tickets you have helped me with even though you have banned me twice now. Mr.Bigsmoke is a little trigger happy sometimes but I understand why I shouldnt bring that to a comminuty that likes to roleplay. as a Autistic retard I hope you understand that I love RP and wasnt trying to be a Bubtard on your server. Glory to Diverge and I hope to make a good comeback I just wanted Byte to know that I feel bad for being a asshole

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We all have bad days. No reason to take it out on others just trying to enjoy their night. Take this time to cool off and come back with a clear head. Let's not start just shooting people randomly from a rooftop again!

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As you said yourself in the appeal, the ban was completely justified considering your actions leading up. you have enough POs to show that you should understand that these actions were wrong.


Hopefully next time you won’t resort to taking out your emotions in this type of manner.

Edited by JJ_
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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