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Ban appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: Giacomo Macaluso 
Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:70301112

Your Discord ID#:1188196468616609856

Reason for ban: char abuse cause I was using my other char and giving my friends guns and then. I got banned and so I it was a 4-day ban but it was extended to 2 weeks, then I try to alt and that was the mistake I made at that point. And got perm banned

Length of ban: perm

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):apology

Why should you be unbanned? I apologize for trying to evade my ban. Me and my friends were rping and I transferred weapons to them, id know that there isn't a good reason to do this, but I was just trying to have fun with some friends. When I tried to alt I wasn't trying to minge, I just wanted to play a different char until my unban. Again, I know none of this is justifiable but, in my time, away from the server I'd like to think I've matured enough to be given a second chance. Please consider this appeal.

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This has nothing to do with your ban from here but I want to know which game you got booted off that made you come back here since you got nothing else to play rn.


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does that matter about my ban? it not cause i got booted off it just cause i remeber i can make a ban appeal again?

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Just curious ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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well i kill 2 kids in r6 and wallbang them without no comp no drones just but audio and then the recam thing or whatever it look sus to them i guess? and i got banned

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1 hour ago, Lucas132xx said:

well i kill 2 kids in r6 and wallbang them without no comp no drones just but audio and then the recam thing or whatever it look sus to them i guess? and i got banned

my brother in christ - you don’t get banned off siege from 2 wallbangs. either get good or get a better gaming chair

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Read these: https://divergenet.works/forum/8-rules/

Take this: https://forms.gle/8dc1MFo1nyNhYJGw7

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.

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