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PK appeal


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Name of Character:Ivan Smirnoff


Your Discord ID#:dreadedhades

Date of PK:9/16

Reason for PK:Robbery??

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

Apparently I was robbed about a week prior to this PK happening if you look at my accounts history I’ve barely just started on the server and was unaware that attempting to defend yourself during a robbery was against server rules. However this clip was used as a threat by the sender. The person who had me PKed posted in rumors that he was selling W but once I met up with him I was sketched out because he wanted to do it infront of the casino. I told him no deal and that was that. The next time he posted that he was selling weed someone put “fed” in the rumors channel I responded in rumors and also agreed and the anonymous person posted other things about how he was apparently a fed. He thought this was me and threatened in rumors that if I didn’t come to the casino I would be “posted on forums” I was already at the casino so when I came out he sent me this old clip of me being robbed and threatened to post it. He ended up posting it and I was PKed. I feel this is unfair as the robbery was weeks ago and I’m a brand new player who was unaware of rules around defending yourself in a robbery. Furthermore if you look at my overall Gmod playtime you will see I’m new to RP as a matter of fact this is the first RP server I’ve ever played.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:
 Unfortunately I do not have a clipping software so I don’t have a clip of the conversation between us at the casino but if you check their message history in rumors you will see that he threatened to post me on forums if I did not appear at the casino.

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Hello pking admin, You died because you fought back during a mugging, the mugging was not weeks ago as you say it was on the 12th of this month.Pks are ic consequences not server rules, https://medal.tv/?contentId=iF9ULf1lYODGqNcca&invite=cr-MSxTMTIsMjY5NTAyMjYwLA&spok=d1337BQGf48n

Edited by morty_sigma
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This was done because the player who reported it was upset and broke RP in rumor chat and in voice chat threatening to post a clip of me being robbed which I said was about a week ago. Again I feel this is unfair as I was unaware of the consequences of fighting back during a robbery and had committed a good bit of time grinding money on that character. Also the fact that this clip was only posted because the person was upset because his weed deal was sketchy doesn’t seem right and although it was dumb of me to not use a clipping software this can still be proved by looking at said persons message logs as he clearly put in rumors that I was to come to the casino or be posted on the forums. Again I didn’t even know what the forums were but I was already at the casino so I spoke to him. 

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I would also like to add that the player clearly broke multiple rules while ordering this PK. In the rules it states "Metagame = Using Out of Character information In-Character" The person who ordered this PK was not even on the character that he had originally attempted to rob me with when he threatened to have me PKed infront of the casino. The rules also state "Using OOC means of communication to perform a PK will invalidate it / the evidence for a PK.  Using OOC terms over Mic, (Such as yelling "thats a pk, thats a pk!" After killing someone) may void the PK entirely. Remain in character at all times." This person did not remain in character as they said they would be having me quote "PKed" and although I again cannot provide evidence of our conversation infront of the casino he even broke RP in the rumors chat when he said I would be "posted on forums" if i did not show up to the casino. therefore using OOC information to threaten me into compliance

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This is a valid PK, we do, like all servers. recommend you read and understand the rules before playing so confusion like this doesn't happen. We cannot overturn a PK because you didn't know there was a rule about getting PKed after breaking fear RP in a mugging.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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