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The Biggest Bird Ban Appeal


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Your Character or Steam Name: The Biggest Bird #Unvaxxed

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:83612404

Your Discord ID#: richwhiteman

Reason for ban: RDM

Length of ban: 1.5 weeks

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): No sit, no explanation, no clip, banned for RDM. I didn't RDM anyone. Thought about all the people I killed that day. One was mutual combat with a baseball bat, the other was my friend so there was no report, and as I cop I shot a guy in a truck who was KOS for ramming an officer. 

Why should you be unbanned?
Because I don't even think proper analysis of the situation was followed, I was not in a sit, I did not get a chance to even know there was a complaint. 
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):
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you asked a lady for a job and then proceeded to beat the shit out of her with a baseball bat

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1 hour ago, KingJewMonaclu said:



you asked a lady for a job and then proceeded to beat the shit out of her with a baseball bat

RDM = Random Death Match, Killing Players without valid reason

ARDM = Attempted Random Death Match, Attempting to Kill Players without valid reason

My reason was that she kept denying me employment prior. I also didn't kill this person.....

Edited by RichWhiteMan
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2 hours ago, RichWhiteMan said:

Your Character or Steam Name: The Biggest Bird #Unvaxxed

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:83612404

Your Discord ID#: richwhiteman

Reason for ban: RDM

Length of ban: 1.5 weeks

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): No sit, no explanation, no clip, banned for RDM. I didn't RDM anyone. Thought about all the people I killed that day. One was mutual combat with a baseball bat, the other was my friend so there was no report, and as I cop I shot a guy in a truck who was KOS for ramming an officer. 

Why should you be unbanned?
Because I don't even think proper analysis of the situation was followed, I was not in a sit, I did not get a chance to even know there was a complaint. 
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

Additional information that may have also helped had there even been a staff sit was that this person was gate keeping job opportunities hence the reason I stated, "you ruined my life" in the video. Most monetary disputes fall under the context of role play. 

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This ban is self-explanatory, you cant attempt to kill someone for not hiring you and with your PO's the ban length is perfectly acceptable. If you don't wish to end up getting permabanned I suggest reading the rules, as the way you are going it wont be long until that happens.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

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