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I got perma killed and i dont know why i want unkilled

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i dont have a video as i was on discord appling for a gun license then when i went in to ss my id i was dead 

my steam id is 76561199228025076

my name in game was Matthew Montgomery

date of pk : 15/09/24

reason for pk: i dont know i was applying for a gun license

my discord id : 1089268076752674836

reason i should be un pkd: i dont even know why it happened

Edited by Matthew Montgomery
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ok so there's a template thats available that we need you to follow. just edit your post (3 dots at top right of your message) and follow the format.



Edited by KingJewMonaclu
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Staff member who administered the PK here. 


You were killed by the way of a dons order. This can be placed on you for a number of reasons, being in a criminal faction carries a risk that you agree to upon being invited in.


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Unfortunately this is an inherent risk of joining a criminal faction. The faction believed you were bringing too much heat to them, and they decided to kill you for it. This is within the rights of the faction leader and is something that you should be cautious of in your next character.


Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.

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