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Donny Valentino False ban?

Donny Valentino

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Your Character or Steam Name: Donny Valentino

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78302318

Your Discord ID#: mallymalastar

Reason for ban: Rdm

Length of ban: 12 hours

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was completely afk and I am unsure of how I could've gotten my ban... I left to take a phone call, came back to a ban message... Without any context I can only imagine this is a false ban or misunderstanding.

Why should you be unbanned? I was afk and I haven't RDM'ed anyone, I've been on the server for quite a while today with no issues, Idk what to do going forward...

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Hello banning staff member here,

Your ban was neither false or a misunderstanding. You were banned off of this clip https://medal.tv/?contentId=iGjdIgtD6npshs5WU&invite=cr-MSwyVVosMTk3MTkzNTEwLA\n\n&spok=d1337uaoKW6n where you kept trying to get the person in the clip to put their gun away on the docks and he refused to where you got frustrated and just killed him for no reason. You were in no position to demand him to put his gun away and the person posed no threat to you in any manner. Your friend group also proceeded to do the same thing to 2 other people later in which they were punished aswell. You received an actual ban due to your prior offenses. I hope this explanation provided some clarity to your ban!

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As seen in the clip, you ask someone to take their gun off safety, then instantly escalate the situation when they refuse and walk away. You gave them their warnings to leave, and they followed those orders. Not under fearrp, but under killing rules. 
Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules.

Edited by anzati1
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