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Pooper Scooper Dooper Trooper ban appeal v8


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Your Character or Steam Name: Pooper Scooper Dooper Trooper

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:521736027

Your Discord ID#: heatseekingmissles

Reason for ban: MRDM, PO, Low quality person

Length of ban: Permanent 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I apologize for my past actions on the server. I have really wanted to play it since the new map update, I used to grind this game a lot, and had a good 9 month period of not being banned. I turned the bad corner. I want to get back into the game, cause me and a few buddies have been wanting to get back into it, I won't minge this time, and I will actually be a quality roleplayer without MRDMing and VDMing.

Why should you be unbanned?
I promise to be a good quality roleplayer, with good intent to roleplay, and actually trying to have fun without trolling. Thank you for reading. I have waited 9 months to make an appeal, and I think I'm ready again.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): N/A

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i bee leave him +1 

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I don't recall the situation 100% but you had some sort of crash out about something, got perturbed someone calling you a name, spammed discord and made threats. got perma'ed ingame, then joined the discord on an alt discord, made a ticket trying to get your alt steam whitelisted, checked your connections and saw 7 accounts total. 


Something like that

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Won’t happen again, I just wanted to get back into the server, and I attempted to alt, yes. But I don’t remember crashing out, if I did my fault, but I do apologize.

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On 9/14/2024 at 9:05 PM, Canadian-bacon said:

I don't recall the situation 100% but you had some sort of crash out about something, got perturbed someone calling you a name, spammed discord and made threats. got perma'ed ingame, then joined the discord on an alt discord, made a ticket trying to get your alt steam whitelisted, checked your connections and saw 7 accounts total. 


Something like that

anyway, i think im ready again for the server, ive been wanting to play for a good while, waited for a good time to write an appeal, and here i am. hopefully we can let bygones be bygones and move on, but just know im hella excited to get back into the server.

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On 9/14/2024 at 9:05 PM, Canadian-bacon said:

I don't recall the situation 100% but you had some sort of crash out about something, got perturbed someone calling you a name, spammed discord and made threats. got perma'ed ingame, then joined the discord on an alt discord, made a ticket trying to get your alt steam whitelisted, checked your connections and saw 7 accounts total. 


Something like that

doesent seem that bad id give him a chance +1

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On 9/14/2024 at 10:05 PM, Canadian-bacon said:

I don't recall the situation 100% but you had some sort of crash out about something, got perturbed someone calling you a name, spammed discord and made threats. got perma'ed ingame, then joined the discord on an alt discord, made a ticket trying to get your alt steam whitelisted, checked your connections and saw 7 accounts total. 


Something like that

I mean it seems like he has a lot of pride for the server (he really wants to come back) and I'd give him 1 more chance. +1

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8 hours ago, Da Boyz said:

I mean it seems like he has a lot of pride for the server (he really wants to come back) and I'd give him 1 more chance. +1

thank you

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thank you diverge guy


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Edited by divergerguy
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Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly. If it was deemed an invalid ban, it will also be removed from your record.

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